Hey First name / bestie
As a social media manager (who has scary high screen time 👀 ), I see so much irrelevant and sometimes straight-up BAD advice flying around from so many “gurus”, no wonder it feels like walking in a minefield to you…

In this week's newsletter:
⚡ Social media advice you should ignore
đź’ˇ A cool thing with IG story stickers
đź‘€ The Social Hive
đź©· The latest book I'm reading

A lot of people may disagree with what I’m about to say but I'm gonna tell you regardless, because I don’t want you wasting your time on things that aren’t going to be make or break when it comes to you growing your iconic social media presence. 
With that being said, here’s 3 things that I don’t care about AT ALL:
The time of day you post
Sure, there might be an hour window in the day when more of your audience is active, but amazing content doesn’t need to rely on timing in order to resonate with the right people and attract them to your podcast/ into your world. 
How many times you post
It is better to show up consistently with intentional content than posting diluted content twice per day. 
How many followers you have
There seems to be a completely false narrative flying around that suggests you need thousands of followers in order to hit your income goals. This is absolute rubbish. 
When I work with clients, I build a strategy that helps them to bring in the RIGHT people, not hundreds of thousands of people who will never pay attention to them, let alone listen to their podcast. 
The thing is First name / bestie, striving for perfection is not just keeping you stuck, it’s literally killing your socials. 
Your audience wants to see the real + authentic you so that they can get a really good feel for what your podcast is about and whether or not they should listen to it on their next walk/ car drive etc… 
Whilst we’re here, 3 things I DO care about:
1. The quality of your posts
2. How you utilise social media (i.e. don’t ghost your socials and then cry when no one follows)
3. How you interact with your community

đź’ˇHot Tip
Make sure you are frequently using story stickers (e.g. polls) to build context and interest around a topic before you share the actual piece of content to your stories. 
For example: if I’m sharing a piece of content about the importance of actually getting to know your audience I might ask “Does selling your offers feel like an uphill battle right now?” with a range of options for my audience to click and identify their situation.
Then my content provides the solution to the problem that they are facing.
đź‘€ IKYMI
The Social Hive Instagram is finally here! Give us a follow if you are interested in joining the social media community for podcasters, that is going to help your brand climb the charts ladder and impact more people than you ever dared to imagine… 
đź©· Current Faves
Recently I have been loving reading “The Perfectionist's Guide To Losing Control” by Katherine Schlafler. 
I don’t want to give away too much but essentially, this book really challenges the way we typically view perfectionism and invites “recovering perfectionists” in particular, to rewrite the narrative/ box that they have found themselves trapped in. 

I would reallllllly love emails to be a place for us to feel comfortable opening up about our raw, unfiltered opinions so hit reply and tell me what piece of social media advice that you have been given and it just just flew straight over your head because it was that bad…
Until next time 🫶
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