Hi First name / friend,
I hope this email finds you well.
As a signatory of the open letter shared to DMC titled Urgent Appeal for Solidarity with Palestinian Artisans: Support for Palestinian Embroidery Tradition, I am writing to provide you with an update.
DMC has responded to our collective concerns (see here, here, and here); however, their response falls short of addressing the critical issues raised. Their statement lacks the necessary recognition of Palestine, fails to acknowledge the gravity of the situation in Gaza, and does not adequately credit or represent Palestinian embroidery. Furthermore, the interchangeability of terms and the omission of key details demonstrate a concerning lack of understanding and sensitivity.
In light of this unacceptable response, it is imperative that we escalate our efforts to hold DMC accountable and demand meaningful action.
To that end, we are launching a targeted email campaign to demand genuine solidarity with Palestinian embroiderers from DMC. We have scheduled our emails to be sent collectively on Monday, April 8th, to amplify our voices and ensure a coordinated effort.
Here's how you can participate:
  1. Use the provided email template below: I've attached a comprehensive email template that covers all the key points raised in our campaign. Please review it and consider sending it to DMC's CMO (P.Jensen@dmc.com) and DMC's help desk (hello@dmc.com).
  2. Personalize your message: Feel free to personalize the template with your own experiences, thoughts, and concerns. Personalized emails can have a greater impact. (This response from Palestinian culture workers, cooperatives and institutions dedicated to preserving Palestinian embroidery & art history offers additional language.)
  3. Schedule your email: To ensure our message reaches DMC simultaneously, please schedule your email using Gmail's scheduling feature. Follow these simple steps:
    • Open Gmail and compose a new message.
    • Draft your email using the provided template or customize it as desired.
    • Instead of clicking "Send," click on the small arrow next to the "Send" button.
    • Choose "Schedule send" from the dropdown menu.
    • Select the date and time you'd like your email to be sent, which is Monday, April 8th.
    • Click "Schedule send" to confirm.
  4. Spread the word: Share this email template with your networks, friends, family, and fellow activists. Encourage them to join us in demanding genuine solidarity from DMC.
  5. Follow up: After sending your email, consider following up with DMC to reiterate your concerns and urge them to take meaningful action.
Action is needed now more than ever. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that Palestinian voices are heard and respected.
Thank you for your ongoing support and solidarity.
Best regards,
Lina Barkawi

To whom it may concern at DMC,

I trust this email finds you well.

I am reaching out on behalf of the Palestinian Tatreez community regarding DMC's recent statement on standing in solidarity with Palestinian embroiderers. While we appreciate the sentiment, there are critical concerns that need addressing:
  1. Recognition of Palestine: The absence of explicit mention of Palestine or Palestinian embroidery in your statement undermines the cultural context and significance of Tatreez.
  2. Acknowledgment of Gaza: Describing the situation in Gaza as a mere crisis understates the gravity of the ongoing genocide and atrocities inflicted on Palestinians. Words matter.
  3. Credit and Representation: The lack of credit for the free patterns provided, coupled with inaccurate representations of Palestinian Tatreez, indicates a need for closer collaboration with the community for authentic representation. What does it mean to be "inspired" by the Palestinian Culture Center? Has DMC reached out to Tatreez researchers, preservationists, or artists when creating these patterns?
  4. Understanding of Palestinian Embroidery: The designs provided do not fully capture the essence of Palestinian embroidery, showcasing a need for deeper understanding and research.
  5. Discrepancy in Treatment: Comparisons with DMC's responses to other crises highlight a tone-deaf approach, particularly concerning given the ongoing atrocities in Gaza.
  6. Cultural Significance of Tatreez: Interchangeably using "Tatreez" and "Palestinian" risks contributing to cultural erasure, ignoring the deep cultural significance of Tatreez for Palestinians.
  7. UNESCO Recognition: Clarification is needed regarding UNESCO's acknowledgment of Palestinian embroidery, which encompasses our heritage and practices.
  8. Call to Action: While donations to humanitarian organizations are commendable, genuine solidarity entails speaking out against the cruel siege on Gaza and advocating for justice.
We believe there is an opportunity for DMC to offer a more nuanced and genuine response to the concerns raised by the Palestinian community. We urge you to engage actively with us and consider our feedback seriously.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to your response.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Position/Institution]