Updated April 6th, 2024
"When's the last time you spotted a '91 Honda Civic hatchback?"
This Sunday, Jason Phillips will kick off our new sermon series ‘Transitions’ with a sermon titled, 'When was the last time you spotted a ‘91 Honda Civic hatchback?’ The Gospels record that nearly one in four of Jesus' healings involved restoring sight to the blind. We just celebrated the resurrection of Jesus last Sunday, and if you're like me, you may still be trying to figure out all of what a risen Christ means in your everyday life. Learning to see the reality of God's presence in the lives of those created in his image is vital for living the abundant life Jesus made available through his life and resurrection. I hope you join us as we look at Luke 16:19-31 and learn how to see in the kingdom or kin-dom of God.
Join us for worship Sundays @ 10 am at LATC. We livestream our worship services via Zoom, Facebook Live and Youtube Live.
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Hi, my name is Jason Phillips. I’ve been married for almost 31 years to my wife, Carol. We have two amazing daughters, Myah and Kira, who are in their twenties. All three are my favorite people, and that’s saying a lot because I love a lot of people, but they are by far my favorite. I have many roles, but mainly, I function as a “pastor to the city.” I pastor a small congregation and am a spiritual director; however, I spend most of my time immersed in my city, Fullerton, CA, as a chaplain, collaborator, and community organizer. I started a faith collaborative out of that, Fullerton ACT, inviting our congregations to collaborate with one another, our non-profits, government, and schools to make a collective impact on what we consider unacceptable realities in our city of inequity, homelessness, poverty, housing, immigration, racial equity and justice, and foster care. As a member of Souleeader’s team, I function as a spiritual director and coach, connecting pastors and churches to God’s mission in the city, helping them connect God’s mission to discipleship and intimacy with God.
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There will be a women’s event “Rhythms of life” on Saturday April 13th 2-6 in the city of Montebello. As Christians, we are often taught about connecting with God through prayer, reading the Bible, and attending church. During our time together, we want to explore other ways we can connect with God through movement, creativity, and nature. We will consider how we can experience the Kingdom of God as we go about our day. It will be a potluck and rides will be coordinated. Please talk to Vanessa Padilla after service or email her at cityrises@gmail.com to get the link to the sign up or if you need help signing up. Therese link is in the eblast as well. Please share the link to women who may be interested in attending.
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Grow + Serve is the way we do life together at New City Church through fellowship, discussions, and serving the community. We are divided by different locations and meet both in person and online. We welcome you all to join our groups and become part of our community.
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We need God's guidance and discernment during this process. Please pray for the NCC pastors, elders, LPNC, leaders, and all members. On behalf of the LPNC, we want to thank the NCC community for helping us be part of this process and remind you that this is a continuous collective effort.
We invite you to visit the LPNC Website, where you will find the following information: Current updates, The Framework for the Lead Pastor Search, LPNC responsibilities, Who is on the committee, and How to contact LPNC for any questions or concerns.
Thank you!
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Hey Moms! Ever feel like you’re just too busy or too tired to lean into God’s presence? Wish you had other moms with whom you could share life and be encouraged in your faith?
Join us on Zoom in our Moms Seeking Jesus group on Sunday nights at 8:30 pm, where we explore Christian spiritual practices aimed at helping us to be present with Jesus and to be known and supported by other moms.
Meetings are only 1 hour, and there’s no homework. Email moms@newcitychurchla.com to sign up or for more info.
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We encourage you to be intentional about giving. Please prayerfully set up recurring giving online (through your checking account or credit/debit card) right now by clicking HERE. We ask that you donate through your checking account to avoid transaction fees. For more general information on giving to New City, please click HERE.