What’s On the Other Side of Fear?
Count Wins to Build Confidence
Imagine you’re in a meeting at work, and a complex problem is brought up. As you look around the room, you can tell everyone is trying to avoid making eye contact with the boss or anyone else, hoping that they are not the one who is asked to solve the problem.
You have an idea, but you hesitate.
What if you’re idea isn’t good enough? What if you become the target of office gossip?
This situation I’m describing requires confidence. Confidence is about speaking up despite those fears. It’s about trusting your experience and knowledge. Think about all the times you’ve solved problems before and how you’ve succeeded. It’s those little victories that are the building blocks of confidence.
Now let’s switch it up and reflect on your daily life. How often do you shy away from challenges because you’re afraid of failing or being judged? Feeling the sensation of fear and anxiety are normal human emotions, we all understand that. But the people who face those challenges head-on have one thing that others don’t.
That’s confidence.

The confident person understands that every attempt at something, no matter what, is a step forward, whether it leads to success, or a lesson learned. If the fear of not being perfect or the fear of others’ opinions holds you back, remember that everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone has the courage to try again.
At the same time, it’s worth mentioning that confidence is not about swagger or arrogance. Sure, having a little swag is fun sometimes, but confidence is really about a quiet assurance that comes from a history of wins, no matter how big they are. Truly confident people understand this. They don’t just dream things up, they do them. They are the ones that turn thoughts into actions, and a plan into reality.
Now, time to get real with ourselves for a moment.
How often have you found yourself paralyzed by overthinking?
When you mull over every possible scenario, you are actually losing precious time that could be spent moving forward. Confident people don’t fall into this trap. They know that every detail is not worth their attention. They also recognize that fixating on things that don’t matter is a sure way to stop progress.
To avoid this trap, the key is prioritization. 
By focusing on what truly matters, your actions will get you closer to your goals much faster.
Let’s talk about the elephant in the room that I know you’re all thinking about, the fear of failure. This mindset follows every ambitious person…almost like a shadow. But I’ll let you in on a little-known fact…confidence is not the absence of fear.
It’s the mastery over it.
Look, confident people still feel fear, they just don’t let it dictate their actions. They acknowledge that the feeling exists, yet push through it because they know on the other side of fear is success. How do they know that? Because they’ve tasted success before. They remember the times they succeeded and use those memories and lessons learned to make them successful in what they do.
Now, if you’re sitting there thinking to yourself, “I don’t have any big wins yet,” stop selling yourself short.
Confidence doesn’t require monumental successes. It’s built on the small victories like the project you completed or the day you stuck to your diet. These are the little wins that matter. They should be proof to yourself that you can achieve more.
To take this one layer deeper, when you look back on those small wins, it’s important to remember exactly how you did it…step by step.
Because execution matters.
execution is the cornerstone of 
It involves mastering your craft to the point where each action you take feels like it’s second nature. When you know the ins and outs of what you’re doing, confidence naturally follows.
Confidence also comes from countless hours of practice, learning from every setback, and fine-tuning your approach. As you perfect your execution, you’ll notice that your self-assurance grows with it. Having that feeling where you can look at a problem and say to yourself, “I got this” is the point you want to get to.
The key is being able to trust in your ability to handle challenges and make decisions.
And don’t be confused, being confident isn’t about being flawless or perfect, it’s about being prepared.
The main takeaway I want you to get from this is that confidence is not just a trait, but something you practice. It’s the courage to raise your hand, the decision to speak up, or maybe it’s the resilience to keep going, even when you’re scared to. It’s about recognizing your past wins and using them as a ladder to climb higher than you’ve ever been.
But now it’s your turn. I want to hear from you.
Share a moment when you surprised yourself by stepping up in a situation that normally would have sent you stepping back.
If you can’t think of one, identify a challenge that’s scaring you right now. Commit to facing it head-on. Whether it’s speaking in public, asking for a raise at work, or whatever else is on your mind, embrace it and take it on.

Your story of courage could be the spark that ignites the fire of confidence in someone else. So please, share your experiences, inspire our community, and help each other build up our strength and confidence.
So that’s the big question: What’s your moment of confidence?
Let’s hear it.
Then, let’s grow together.
I'll see you in the next one,
-Steven Williams

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