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Ari Affirmations
My self-worth is not determined by my productivity.
I release any guilt or pressure associated with taking breaks.
Saying no is a powerful act of self-care and respect for my limits.
Happy Tuesday, boo!
Take a guess…
What do both of these pictures have in common (besides the same pose 🤪)? 
  1. Working in corporate
  2. Loving my job
  3. Burnt out
  1. First year as an entrepreneur
  2. Loving my business
  3. Burnt out
But wait…you’re smiling 🤔

Yes, and I was still experiencing burnout. Not because I hated my job or business. But because I loved it so much and rarely took breaks…until my body forced me to. 
My exhaustion was underneath my big smile. I was high-performing, but my health was suffering.
So today, in recognition of Stress Awareness Month, I want to talk about burnout in a different light. Because often times when I hear people talk about work-related burnout, the vibe is…
'Pack your bags and move on, sis'. 
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And while that could very well be necessary (been there!), there could also be an opportunity for you to make some changes first, especially if you love the work you do and the environment you work in. 
As someone who experienced burnout as a corporate professional and entrepreneur (and loved my work), I want to give you my perspective and share what I could've done better.
When I look back at my relationship with work, I know that there are three things I could've done to prevent burnout and reduce work stress:
  1. Set more boundaries
  2. Take more breaks
  3. Prioritize more self-care
Sounds simple, but can be the hardest thing when you love what you do or have big goals that you are determined to achieve. Let's talk about it.

Set More Boundaries
To be honest, I barely had boundaries and said ‘yes' to just about everything that was asked of me (people pleasing was on 100). And at the same time, I would be in my feelings if my manager would ask me to work the same weekend I had already planned to live my best life 😫.
So today, I think of boundaries as guardrails for my mental and emotional well-being. Whether carving out designated work hours, resisting the temptation to check emails after dinner, or simply saying "no" to that extra project when I'm already swamped, boundaries have helped me protect my peace.
Questions I've Had To Ask Myself:
  • What are my non-negotiable boundaries when it comes to work?
  • How can I communicate these boundaries to my colleagues or clients?
  • How can I honor my boundaries consistently instead of slipping back into people-pleasing habits?
  • Am I saying "yes" out of guilt or FOMO? If so, why?

Take More Breaks
Raise your hand if you've ever fallen into the "work marathon" trap and glued to your desk for half a day straight. 
Or if you've ever felt guilty for taking a lunch break or sneaking out for a quick walk around the block during work hours. 
Or if you've ever had a lot of unused PTO.
Me too, boo. Me too. Guilty as charged. 
Since then, I've learned that breaks aren't a luxury; they're a necessity for maintaining productivity and mental clarity. I now give myself permission to step away from my desk, even if it's just for a few minutes. Take a walk for a change in scenery, practice deep breathing, actually use my PTO, or twerk a lil something to my favorite song in between meetings. Not only do I return to work feeling refreshed, but I often find some inspiration along the way.
Questions I've Had To Ask Myself:
  • How often do I currently take breaks throughout my workday?
  • What activities or strategies help me recharge the most during breaks?
  • How can I incorporate more intentional breaks into my daily routine?
  • Do I feel guilty when I take short breaks during the workday? If so, why?
  • Have I scheduled time off in the coming months?

Prioritize More Self-Care
Yep, I am guilty of neglecting my well-being to meet work deadlines or chase business goals. And while busy days and seasons happen, it was a red flag when self-neglect became my norm.
In my journey, I've had to remind myself that self-care is not selfish; it's the secret sauce to my productivity, creativity, and overall happiness. It's about intentionally nurturing your physical, mental, and emotional health.
Whether it's doing a workout, reading a book, going on a local adventure, booking a retreat, or indulging in Love is Blind (haha), I make it my duty to make the things that fill up my cup a non-negotiable part of your routine.
Questions I've Had To Ask Myself:
  • What activities bring me joy and relaxation?
  • Am I neglecting my own needs to please others or achieve goals?
  • Do I prioritize sleep, nutrition, exercise, and hobbies that bring me joy?
  • How can I carve out time for self-care despite my busy schedule?

So, let's commit to honoring our limits, giving ourselves the grace to rest, and investing in our well-being. Your future self will thank you for it.
Whenever you are ready, here are three ways I can support you:
Have a great week!
Ariel Belgrave, CPT
Certified Health & Fitness Coach
Stress Management Specialist
Board Member, Women's Health Mag
Under Armour Athlete
P.S. I encourage you to forward this email to someone who could use this wisdom (sharing is caring!)