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Mōrena First name~

Today I'm off work looking after Rosie. We're going on a ‘jobs’ day which is basically everything I've put off for months (doctor, getting my phone fixed, dropping some clothes off for repair etc etc) and I hope we're going to fit in a bike ride at the Mt too! 

Before I do that, I wanted to remind you that it's Marketday today and as a Member, you get post on our group walls to get visibility for your business 🎉

You can post in the Member Only Facebook Group here BUT…
I recommend for more reach you post in our Free Facebook Community here

Now if you've completed your 1 Page Visibility Plan, you'll know that strategic promotion in a Facebook Group like this is more about AWARENESS than SALES. 

Most people in these groups don't know who you are. They WANT to know who you are, and support what you do. But if you pop a simple SALES post up, it has NO relevance for them and may even feel spammy. 

➡️ So, today I encourage you to use one of these prompts to help people get to know you better! ⤵️

👋 Hi! I'm X. I'm a (share something personal mum of three/ cat lover, where you live etc) and I (share what you do) for (who you do it for). 
(Share what your dream is, why you do what you do and why/ how you keep going when the going gets tough). 
I'd love to hear from you- tell me about ……
CTA (Call to action): Add a ‘PS’ at the end, Share where people can follow you/ share a link to a freebie you've made.

 ➡️ Add a photo of yourself. 

Why I joined She Owns It Membership…
(Share your story about why you joined, how you were feeling before you joined, how it's helped you and how you're feeling now)
You can either:
1. Pepper in what you do as you share
2. Write a PS with ‘By the way, I'm a X who do X for X! You can connect with me here)

Sharing my secret to _____________________
Share a really good tip or learning you've had that will give people a real AHA moment! 
CTA (Call to action): Add a ‘PS’ at the end, Share where people can follow you/ share a link to a freebie you've made.

Is it just me or _____________________

CTA (Call to action): Add a ‘PS’ at the end, Share where people can follow you/ share a link to a freebie you've made.

Recently I found out that ____________
(share a biz story, a personal story and how it's impacted you and your biz. Share your learnings from it). 

CTA (Call to action): Add a ‘PS’ at the end, Share where people can follow you/ share a link to a freebie you've made.
Have fun! Don't forget this is about VISIBILITY, connection and engagement. It's not a quick win but it CAN send you leads and help you make sales. 
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Online Business & Marketing Mentor | She Owns It