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July Camp 2024, was designated the National Meet by the National President of the Central Committee of the Mountain Club of South Africa who bestowed a special honour on the July Camp for being the longest continuously running hiking and mountain camp in the annals of the MCSA and, we believe, almost anywhere else in the world.
July Camp was started in 1919, the same year as the independent Natal Mountain Club was founded which later became the KwaZulu-Natal Section of the MCSA.
So, in addition to the customary and well-loved July Camp traditions and events that draw the regulars back year after year, and also attract newcomers every year, there also will be two other specific events that are common to all National Meets. There will be planned and advertised Day Walks, Overnight Hikes and Climbs, which may even include ice climbs if the weather favours the ice-climbers. There also will be a National Dinner at the Underberg Country Club on Saturday 6th July 2024.
Cobham offers all walkers, hikers, campers, climbers and mountaineers, regardless of age, a wide range of activities in the Berg ranging from easy to severe. This area is well supplied with caves that offer enticing sub-camping opportunities. There is an unlimited number of beautiful trips “to there and back” as well as the more defined trips to specific objectives such as some of the closer caves and well-known river pools. Of course, each of these could serve as part of a longer sub-camping trip. If the trip you want to do lacks a convenient cave or caves, then carrying tents is the real “Berging and Backpacking” answer!

Join this informative presentation on lightning, why we cannot harness it, and ways to protect and be safe from it at the Clubhouse (11 Oorbietjie Rd, Robin Hills, Randburg, 2194) on Wednesday 8 May at 7 pm. Arrive early, from 6:30 pm, to enjoy drinks from the cash bar. 
Ken is an Associate Professor in the School of Electrical and Information Engineering at the University of the Witwatersrand.  He is a Fellow of the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers (SAIEE) and a Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).  His research interests and activities are quite broad, but, data and energy cut across the majority of his engagements and expertise. 
He is particularly passionate about lightning protection and safety, and serves on the board of directors of the African Centres for Lightning Education Network (ACLENet).
Ken’s deep scientific knowledge of electricity can help us understand the electrical principles of untamed  lightning; it holds so much mysticism and power - Zeus, Greek god of the sky, with his lightning bolt in his hand with an Eagle on his shoulder, comes into many of the fantasy stories written today. For us mere mortals, Ken will do a myth busters talk on lightning, why we cannot harness it, and ways to protect and be safe from it.

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Limited financial support from the MCSA CENTENARY JOURNAL YOUTH FUND can be applied for. This Fund was set up specifically to assist MCSA youth members who are in good standing, and have been members for 2 years, to attend UIAA Youth Events.
We can assist with booking of airline tickets and obtaining Letters of Invitation in support of the required visas.
MCSA youth members have attended in the past (their reports can be found in MCSA Journals), in particular the Events organised by the Toulouse branch of the national French federation, FFCAM.
Time is of the essence – for visas, and particularly to get airline flights at best prices.
Contact if you have questions.


News & Reminders
Our last tidbits of admin and member updates!
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On Saturday, 13 April local climbers from Emgwenya-Waterval Boven climbed at the MCSA’s Hallucinogenic crag. 
In total, there were 14 children (aged between 10 and 17 years) and 9 adults, including 3 MCSA members. 
This was the first time many of the local children got to experience climbing at the Wonderland crags. 
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Morris Nkosi, who initiated the Emgwenya Mountain Club in 2012 and who helped organise Saturday’s meet, reports that the “kids cannot stop talking about the fantastic day they had climbing at Hallucinogenic wall.”
Special thanks were extended to some keen Jhb climbers who joined in the fun – sharing ropes and beta, and to the MCSA for helping cover transport and lunch costs for the children and for paying the Tranquilitas’ permit fee for 14 people.
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After a gentle walk in the kloof, it was time for a bit of uphill. For those just back from the Berg, this was a non-event; the rest of us worked up a sweat.
The sweat turned cold upon reaching the 100-meter drop with water gushing down.
The first pitch, though short, is slippery and serves as a tasty entree for the main course.
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The highlight is definitely the intimidating 80-meter descent! Our group of 10 rose to the occasion, conquering our inner challenges and fears with style. The exposure, combined with the breathtaking views and the pounding water, makes this abseil an unforgettable sensory experience—one to add to your bucket list!
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- Puffadder: A chill plumper who didn’t flinch when almost stepped on.
- Duiker: Skittish and quick atop the kloof.
- Night Adder: Perched at the second anchor. Small, cute, and slightly annoyed at all the attention.
- Baboons: Making themselves known.
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A big thank you to:
- Kyle for the expert fireman belay.
- Ruan for being the pack mule and managing the top anchor
- WUMC for lending us their 8s.
- Mark for granting access to this beautiful kloof.
And yes, we did make it back to the cars in the dark (again).
- Andreas
Every donation to the club, big or small, makes a difference. Your support in this crucial time will help us pay off our debts promptly and maintain a strong financial foundation. You can donate by transferring money via EFT with your annual membership fees, or you can donate through our web portal. Please consider a recurring payment, which will make a big difference over time.
It is not what the club can do for you, it is what YOU can do for the club.

Explore. Discover. Connect. Protect.
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Office Number:  061 461 8259 
Office Hours: Mon & Wed 15:00 - 20:00, Tues & Thurs 13:00 - 18:00, Fri 9:00 - 12:00