Early last year, Coventry City Council wrote to residents about making changes to the traffic arrangements on and around the High Street area. After feedback from the community they have issued this latest correspondence:
"We have listened to what you said and made some changes to the proposals. We are no longer introducing a bus gate at the junction of Little Park Street and Salt Lane, but we will still make the remaining changes to the High Street area which include:
• prohibiting access to High Street from Earl Street by making it ‘No Entry’.
• restricting vehicular access to High Street via Greyfriars Lane between 10am and 6pm
Monday to Saturday. This means no unauthorised vehicles will be permitted to enter during
these times. Access will be restricted to buses, cycles, taxis, private hire vehicles and
designated permit holders. Please note: permits are for access only and not for parking. Parking restrictions remain in place.
• widening the road at the junction of Little Park Street and Salt Lane to improve access for
large vehicles.
• installing bollards on Bayley Lane to prevent through access.
You can apply for a permit on the website:
These changes will be introduced from 20 May under an Experimental Traffic Order (ETRO)
giving you a six-month period to provide us with feedback or comments.
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