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April Prompt 2
Looking at the image above, what items in this junk drawer could you repurpose to create art with? The toy truck could be rolled in paint and used for mark making. Or the glove can be cut up and the fabric used in a collage. The rubber bands look like they might have potential too! 
For the rest of this month, try looking at the things around you with a new sense of curiosity and perspective. Before you trash or recycle something, think about whether it can be reused in another way whether it's for art or not (sometimes thinking about other things can be the most creatively inspiring!) Is there more than one way of using everyday items? See where these thoughts lead you and what it inspires you to create. Here are some more ideas centered around “repurpose” to help get you started!

"The repurposing of an old thought, idea,  or memory
to a new purpose is the height of creativity.” 
Steve Supple

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  • Vik Muniz turns trash into large scale portraits Take this concept and size it down for your sketchbook. Instead of trash try using scrap pieces of paper, receipts, tags, and other things you would normally throw away or collect to recycle. Use those items to create a portrait or scene.
  • Turn junk mail into a collage One catalog can provide so much material to work with! I've tried this before and it's a lot of fun--here's what I ended up with.
  • Do you have an old drawing / painting / sketchbook page that isn't your favorite? Glue that onto a fresh page (cut it to size if needed) and use that as your background / stating point.
  • Repurpose an idea. Is there a past sketchbook page you enjoyed but maybe wanted to make some changes to after you finished? Or pick a page at random and make a new version of what you had done.
  • 10 Ideas for recycled art A lot of these projects use things that can be found around the house / easily accessible. Feel free to try one of the tutorials as is, or take elements that you like from it and put your own spin on it.
  • Repurposed Objects As An Art Medium While most of these are sculptures / 3D, I think it can help us think about perspective / different applications for materials. You may also want to try working out of your sketchbook and making a 3D piece! (If so, take a picture of it to add to your book.)
  • 13 Incredible Artivists Using Recycled Materials In Their Art

Gazette, 1994 & Metropolis, 1999 by Rosalie Gascoigne
  • Environmental Artist Rosalie Gascoigne is known for her best known for her assemblages of mostly found materials: wood, iron, wire, feathers, and yellow and orange reflective road signs. I thought it was cool that she had no formal art training and would say that her 50 year apprenticeship was in looking. Learn more about Rosalie here

Happy Earth Day on the 22nd--I hope that can provide additional inspiration for repurpose!
Have fun creating and I will talk to you soon,
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