Veggie Spotlight: Radish

Welcome to the Veggie Spotlight where we feature a new veggie each newsletter to inspire you to try something new. This week is all about radishes! If you have more questions about radishes after this article, feel free to hit reply or DM me on Instagram! I seriously love to hear from you.

Did you know… 
Radishes are much more versatile than you think! Try making a salad, roasting, or using in a sandwich for extra crunch.
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Radishes are one of those veggies that I don't love so much and often lack ideas on how to use them. I default to my comfort zone and just use as a garnish for Mexican food like tacos and pozole. Writing this article is inspiring me to try radishes in new ways. One reason I don't love radishes so much is their strong peppery flavor. Some radishes are stronger in flavor than others (read below to find out why). For extra peppery radishes I found roasting them mellows their flavors and can be a unique way to serve them. I also have recently tried making them the star of a herby forward salad and it was incredible! Be sure to check my Instagram for a video on that salad.

My favorite ways to use Radishes… 
 Sliced thin used as a garnish for tacos or pozole, used as a crunch factor in sandwiches, or used in salads.
Sliced in quarters coated in a drizzle of olive oil and salt. Cook in a 425 oven until soft in the center and slightly browned around the edges. You can use roasted radishes on their own as a side or topped on a salad with balsamic. There are also infinite other ways to pair roasted radish.
The Radish Facts…
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What is a radish?
Radishes are a small root vegetable that actually belong to the brassica family which also includes broccoli, kale, and cabbage. They are typically small and round with a bright red outside and a white center, but they can come in multiple varieties from white or purple in color and elongated in shape.
What do they taste like?
Radishes have a nice crisp texture and peppery/ slightly spicy flavor. Radishes can range in peppery flavor depending on when they are picked. Younger radish have a milder flavor than more mature radishes.
How to best prepare radishes?
Radishes can be eaten raw or cooked. When raw, they can be sliced thin and added to salads, sandwiches, or garnishes to soups. They can also be roasted, pickled, or sauteed. If the flavor is very strong, roasting can mellow out those peppery flavors and help bring out more natural sweetness.
What to look for when buying?
Look for radishes that are firm, smooth, and free from bruises. a few scratches are okay. If the leaves are still on they should be bright and vibrant green. Avoid radishes that feel soft or spongy or have wilted/yellowing leaves.
How to best store at home?
Radishes are fairly easy to store with a long shelf life. Remove the leaves and clean them up from any residual dirt. Store in the refrigerator in a bag or container lined with a paper towel.
What is the best season?
Radishes are primarily a spring and fall crop, however they can grow year round in many climates. Typically radishes peak season is the spring time! It is easy to find quality radishes year round.
Nutritional Benefits
Radishes are a great low calorie, water dominant veggie to eat. They are high in fiber and contain vitamins C and K as well as antioxidants. Radishes can also be a good source of potassium, folate, and manganese. A good rule of thumb red, purple, and blue colors are typically high in antioxidants. 

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The Wholesome Home Cook

Check out the latest videos on radishes below
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Disclaimer: I am not a dietician or doctor and this is not medical advice. Please seek a Registered Dietitian or doctor for specific health care and medical advice.