May 2024 Newsletter
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Dear Community,
As the gentle breezes of May usher in a symphony of blooming flowers and vibrant greenery, we at Blossoming into Light Ministry embrace the theme of "Harmony" this month. May, traditionally associated with fertility, growth, and the heartwarming embrace of spring, invites us to explore balance and harmony in all facets of our lives. It's a perfect time to reflect on how we can align our internal state with the external world to create a symphony of peace and contentment.
This month, we are excited to offer a variety of classes designed to help you find and nurture this balance. From meditations to exploring holistic healing techniques and so much more, each class is tailored to enhance your spiritual journey and foster harmony within. Join us as we explore these transformative experiences, designed to empower you to live in greater alignment with your true essence. Let's embrace the revitalizing energy of May together, finding harmony in every breath and every step.
May Card Reading with Sue Freeman
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This month's insights come from The Elemental Oracle deck by Stacey DeMarco, and the cards drawn are profoundly synchronous with the transformative energies surrounding us. The first card revealed was "Outer Core," which immediately resonated with our upcoming workshop, “Unveiling the Divine Feminine: The Healing Waters of Emotion.” This was followed by the "Inner Core" and "Dark Matter" cards, underscoring the deep shifts occurring within and around us.
The synchronicity of these cards continues to astonish me, even after years of practice. Their emergence during a period marked by eclipses, solar flares, and even seismic activity here in NJ, speaks volumes about the current cosmic energies. It's as if the universe is urging us to "shake things up," both internally and externally. This involves clearing out the dark matter—our karmic debts, emotional pain, and traumas. May is a time for introspection and profound inner work, essential for healing not just ourselves, but also the world around us.
We are invited to delve into our shadow selves, confronting and healing our darker aspects. This process of reflection and transformation is crucial as May, being a #5 month, heralds significant changes. This month encourages us to embrace change, both within and externally.
I recommend journaling as a tool for this deep dive.  Ask yourself questions like, “What is my dark matter? What shadows within me still need healing and transformation?” Through this, insights will surface, guiding you towards "inspired action" based on The Law of Divine/Inspired Action. This self-exploration will not only reveal much about your inner landscape but also empower you to create a life filled with love and purpose.
Essential Oil for May 2024 - by Sue Freeman
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When asking for an essential oil in the deck “Essential Oil Oracle Cards” for the month of May, Coriander came up. It's asking us to look at new ways of doing things. I find it interesting as the world around us is shifting and changing. Many old systems and structures are breaking down so the new can come in. Ask yourself, “What inner systems, beliefs, structures, limitations hold me back? How can I transform them so that I am creating ”my way" and the life of my dreams? What inner shifts are occurring? What beliefs do I want to hold that will support me moving forward?" Fits in perfectly with the “5” numerology of May and theme of change. It can be helpful to journal or spend time in quiet reflection to see what is best for you as you enter May.
The Crystal Corner by Leslie Treloar
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Fluorite, often celebrated as the "genius stone" or "stone of discernment and aptitude," is a multifaceted crystal renowned for its ability to bring balance and harmony into one's life on various levels. Its kaleidoscope of colors, ranging from soothing greens and purples to vibrant blues and yellows, reflects its diverse spectrum of energies. Like a conductor orchestrating a symphony, fluorite harmonizes the mind, body, and spirit, facilitating a sense of coherence and alignment within oneself and with the universe.

On a mental level, fluorite acts as a powerful ally in promoting clarity and focus. Its energy supports the clearing of mental fog and enhancing concentration, making it an invaluable tool for students, professionals, or anyone seeking mental acuity. By fostering a deep understanding of complex concepts and facilitating logical reasoning, fluorite empowers individuals to make informed decisions and navigate life's challenges with ease and confidence.

Emotionally, fluorite serves as a soothing balm for the soul, offering gentle support during times of emotional upheaval or turmoil. Its calming energy provides support when working on negative emotions such as stress, anxiety, and fear, promoting emotional stability and inner peace. By encouraging self-reflection and introspection, fluorite is supportive in emotional healing and encourages a sense of serenity and tranquility. Whether worn as jewelry, placed in the home or workspace, or used in meditation, fluorite serves as a constant reminder to embrace harmony and balance in all aspects of life.
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All these classes and workshops are via Zoom! 
Join us from the comfort of your own home!
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Celebrating the Magic of May Day: Embrace Beltane's Fiery Spirit
As the wheel of the year turns to May, we find ourselves enveloped in the vibrant energies of Beltane, celebrated on the first of the month. This ancient festival marks the midpoint between the spring equinox and summer solstice, heralding the beginning of summer with its promise of warmth and growth.
Why We Celebrate Beltane
Beltane is deeply rooted in the celebration of fertility, not only in the physical sense but also in our endeavors and dreams. It's a time when nature explodes with life and color, reminding us of the creative power within all of us. Here are some key aspects that make Beltane a time of great significance and joy:
  • Fertility and Abundance: Traditionally, Beltane is a fertility festival, where the Earth is at its most fertile. Just as seeds grow into blossoming flowers, we are encouraged to bring our ideas and dreams to fruition.
  • Fire Rituals: Bonfires are a quintessential part of Beltane celebrations, symbolizing the return of light and warmth. These fires were thought to cleanse, protect, and increase fertility. Jumping over the Beltane fire is a traditional act of purification and a way to attract good fortune.
  • Connection with Nature: Beltane is a perfect time to connect with the natural world. Walking through green fields, gathering flowers, and simply being outdoors can rejuvenate the spirit and align us with Earth’s cycles.
  • Community and Harmony: This festival traditionally brings communities together, celebrating unity and harmony. It’s a reminder of the strength found in togetherness and shared joys.
How to Celebrate Beltane
  • Create a Maypole: Dancing around the Maypole, traditionally adorned with ribbons and flowers, is a powerful symbol of Beltane. It represents the lengthening days and intertwining of lives as we weave our destinies together.
  • Light a Fire: If you can, light a small fire or candle to embody the fire energy of Beltane, inviting warmth and growth into your life.
  • Spend Time in Nature: Take a walk in nature to gather wildflowers, or simply to revel in the beauty of the blooming world around you.
  • Set Intentions: Use this time to focus on what you wish to grow in your life. Write down your dreams and aspirations, and visualize them coming into being.
As we celebrate Beltane, let us embrace the warmth and fertility it brings. May this festival ignite the passion within you to pursue your dreams and nurture your projects. Happy Beltane to all, and may your May Day be filled with joy, growth, and community spirit!
We look forward to seeing you on Zoom!
Sue & Leslie
