My father-in-law died and our daughter couldn't come home….
Recently my father-in-law, a kind, generous, loving man of 94, passed away peacefully - not entirely unexpected at his age, albeit suddenly. He was the farming grandfather, always around, always involved, always the best Pop to his grandchildren. We're the 4th generation of this farming family - and our lives are closely entwined as often they are when you all live within a 20 mile radius of each other. It's a wonderful life.
Anyhoo, not to rave on but Harry's passing threw up a challenge that is presented often to families of boarding school kids - to come home or not to come home ? If yes, when, how? Do we go to our child ? In our case, our daughter is a young adult. Living and working on a remote cattle station in the NT. But still, these questions / challenges arose.  She made the decision, and she was at peace with that - to honour him quietly on the station and stay where she was. 
There's a link below to an article I've just written on dealing with loss and grief when your child is at boarding school. I watched families navigate this over a 12 year period when my own children were at boarding school and it's tough. 
On a lighter note, our Expo roadshow kicks off next month! We love this time of year - meeting you all and bringing the schools closer to the places you call home. We've got 70 boarding schools joining us this year at one (or a number) of our Expos. Schools from QLD, NSW, ACT and Victoria. 

Our Dubbo Expo is first up on Friday 10th and Saturday 11th May, coinciding this year with the Annual Dubbo Show - how fantastic. You can Pre-register for our Expos - follow the link below. We're FREE to attend and it's never too early to start the conversation. 
I've included our CHECKLIST of QUESTIONS to ask boarding schools (again this month) - we're proud of it. It's our 20th year travelling around meeting families and working with boarding schools and we're confident our CHECKLIST of QUESTIONS will steer you in the right direction.
I've included a couple of my favourite recommendations for the month - enjoy. And remember, if you've got any suggestions for topics or questions you'd like to ask, please get in touch. All of our contact details are on our website. 
I look foward to meeting you at one of our Expo events.
Have a great month,
Amanda x

Here are the things we're loving right now…
Have you finished your boarding school journey ? Share our news…. tell your friends and family who might be on their way. Our website provides almost 20 years of resources and experience to families and students considering their options and beginning their days at boarding school.
We acknowledge that the land on which we work and live is the traditional land of the Wiradjuri and Wangaaypuwan peoples of the Wiradjuri Nation.
 We pay our respects to Elders past and present and extend that respect to all First Nations people.