The BTDC Beat
APRIL 2024
True Blue for 2024
Liz Graner
Liz Graner emanates positive energy — even after a full day of teaching Shakespeare to high school seniors! When we met for coffee late one afternoon to discuss her candidacy for the 2024 Bernards Township Committee election, she arrived bright as a button. Big smile, big, red-dotted scarf and bright red sneakers, Liz is all “Let’s do this!” And she’s ready to run.
Focused on the opportunities for local Democrats to expand the benefits of living in Bernards Township to all residents, she sees history-making ahead. “With Ana (Duarte McCarthy) already on the committee, and Adam Subervi and me winning both open seats, it would be the first Democratic majority in township history.”
Immersed in politics since she was 16 growing up in Pittsburgh, Liz, now 53, is long familiar with New Jersey politics, especially in Union and Somerset counties. Her two runs for a seat in the state legislature came so close to wins, she is undaunted by this upcoming campaign. “I have such solid backing from Democratic leaders and have been encouraged by so many others who love the town, I feel strong,” she says.
As a loyal and proud union member, Liz is especially interested in the well-being of the township’s teachers, police and other public employees. “We must continue to attract and retain the employees who make every area and every neighborhood of Bernards a secure place to live, to learn, to work and to enjoy life,” she says.
As for non-political interests, Liz is a reader, writer and a hiking outdoorswoman. She also leads her Rahway High School students’ extra-curricular outdoors club. She and her fiancé Mike recently moved to a new condo that accommodates them, their college aged children (one each) and their medley of pets (mostly hers).
– By MJ Walsh
Adam Subervi
Family man. Attorney. Marine officer. All of these describe Adam Subervi, a 10-year resident of Bernards Township who is running as a Democrat for a spot on the Township Committee. An Iraq War veteran, Subervi began his career as a military prosecutor, then worked as a prosecutor at the United States Attorney’s Office in Newark. Now a colonel and senior judge in the Marine Corps Reserve as well as a lawyer for the medical-device company Stryker, Subervi is poised to add “Bernards Township Committeeman” to his impressive resume.
A father to four sons, the youngest in 6th grade and the oldest grown and living in New Hampshire, Subervi said the town’s stellar school system initially drew the family to Bernards Township. Subervi’s wife, Alicia, is the principal of Green Brook Middle School, and education is a priority for them. But Subervi also understands that a town is only as good as its governance, and the idea of running for Township Committee came naturally. “I’ve been in service in one way or another for really my entire career, and I see this as an extension of that,” he said.
Subervi has a sincere desire to provide a novel perspective as a member of the Township Committee. He looks forward to tackling long standing issues such as the town’s affordable housing obligation and – particularly as a resident who lives close to the center of town – the revitalization and rejuvenation of our downtown.
When not working, spending time with his family, or gearing up for his campaign, Subervi enjoys running, working out, and playing the guitar. He’s proud of his democratic values and maintains friendships with people across the political spectrum, something he prizes. “We have an obligation as Americans to provide equal opportunity for everybody,” he said. “Anybody can come here to ascend to the highest office in the land, be the leader of a company, be a success story.”
We look forward to seeing Subervi ascend to his new position in November.
– By Laurie Saloman
Suzanne glassman, Campaign manager
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A member of the BTDC since 2016,  and a resident of Basking Ridge for the last 30 years, Suzanne Glassman is managing the 2024 campaign for Graner and Subervi for Township Committee. “I’m honored to work with such dedicated, patriotic and selfless individuals.” 

Suzanne also managed the campaign of Joan Harris and Bobby Mascia in 2018. “Working on campaigns can be incredibly rewarding. I’ve met many wonderful, dedicated individuals who work so hard to make a difference. It truly is humbling.”

As a volunteer, Suzanne has worked on multiple campaigns. Currently, she is looking to put together a dedicated team that wants to utilize their talents and have fun. “It’s a great way to meet people and be a part of a common goal. Please the  campaign of you'd like to be part of the team!

Previously, Suzanne worked in the fashion advertising industry for 25 years, with clients that included Saks Fifth Avenue and Bergdorf Goodman. She also has an interior design degree.
BTDC Goes for Kim
On Thursday, March 7th, the Somerset County Democratic Committee (SCDC) gathered at the VFW in Manville to endorse Democratic candidates for our 2024 ballot. The event had a record turnout of over 300 delegates, showcasing the energy this election season has generated. Chairwoman Peg Schaffer started by thanking everyone in attendance and explaining the convention's rules. There was a brief attempt to call for a motion for a secret ballot, but Chairwoman Schaffer dismissed it quickly.
The uncontested winners were Joe Biden for President, Sue Altman for Congress (CD7) and Shanel Robinson and Sara Sooy for County Commissioner. The only contested race came in for the Senate candidates, as New Jersey First Lady Tammy Murphy, Congressman Andy Kim, and Labor Leader Patricia Campos-Medina each pleaded their case to receive Somerset's endorsement.
Murphy won the vote over Kim 207-106, a ratio of two to one. Patricia Campos-Medina got 15 votes. The Bernards Township Democratic Committee voted 25-3 for Congressman Andy Kim. All winners are given a spot on the Somerset County line, a ballot design unique to New Jersey that has been heavily scrutinized in the public square this year. 
– By Lex D'Andrea
Update:  On March 24, several weeks after the SCDC Convention, Tammy Murphy dropped out of the U.S. Senate race, citing her desire to unify state Dems and avoid a divisive campaign season.  Andy Kim will now run uncontested in the Democratic primary.
municipal matters
Committeewoman Ana Duarte McCarthy 
Safety and Security:
Safety and security of township residents has continued to be a drumbeat in our community. At the March 12th meeting, the Township Committee passed a local ordinance focused on resident protection as well as resolution supporting NJ State Legislature Bill A-3806 and S2819 to create more consequence for auto theft and introduce a pilot $7 million-dollar two-year grant to address challenges of juveniles involved in auto theft.   The purpose of the pilot program is to reduce the incidence of motor vehicle thefts in this State by providing services to juveniles intended to prevent them from engaging or re-engaging with the criminal justice system.  Services are to be provided by pilot program service providers awarded grant monies pursuant to the pilot program.   I supported the township ordinance and resolution in particular after speaking with Assembly and Senate legislators on both sides of the aisle, and confirming there is bipartisan support to move one of several bills on this topic that have been introduced.  
Affordable Housing:
On March 21st, Governor Phil Murphy signed a package of affordable housing bills including A-4/S-50, which overhauls the Fair Housing Act including the elimination of the Council on Affordable Housing (COAH).  With the signing of A-4/S-50, the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) will now begin the process of calculating the statewide and regional affordable housing need, as well as the municipal obligations. The law provides that the DCA must complete these calculations within seven months of the bill’s signing, which sets the deadline as October 20, 2024. Municipalities may accept the DCA’s calculation of their fair share obligation or adopt their own using the methodology outlined within the law through binding resolution before January 31, 2025. Interested parties have until February 28, 2025, to challenge municipal determinations. 
The Township Committee will host an Affordable Housing session to provide updates on the new bills on Wednesday, May 29th, 7pm, Town Hall, Warren Craft Room.  Save the date with details to follow.
County and Community:
Lastly—I am the Township Committee liaison to our Agricultural Advisory Committee. This past Friday, March 22, Bernards Township was selected as the municipality for the County’s in-person Agricultural Day event, including presentations from three farmers, including local farmer Carol English, at Liberty Corner and Oak Street Schools.  The presentation included a dairy farmer who brought Ingrid a dairy cow, and a vegetable farmer who gave the kids a lettuce plant for their home gardens. Needless to say, Ingrid stole the show.  We are hoping to bring more attention to our local retail farmers, and this was a good way to partner with the County to highlight our local farming resources.  I worked with County Planner Kate Katzer to bring this event to Bernards Township. Kristin Fox, Asst. Superintendent of Curriculum and instruction was also helpful in communicating the opportunity to our schools.  Notable, Commissioner Paul Drake and Mayor Jennifer Asay provided welcome remarks.
Please continue to consult the BTDC Beat Calendar (On the Docket) for meeting dates. I hope to see you soon!
Get In touch with any questions or concerns: (201) 306-0178
Email: Please note that all correspondence sent will be visible to the full Township Committee and Clerk.
Follow on Social Media:  Instagram  Facebook
on the docket
  • April Events @  Bernards Township Library
  • April 9, Township Committee Meeting, 8pm @ Municipal Building
  • April 11, BTDC Open Meeting, 7pm @ Bernards Library
  • April 15, BTDC Civic Scholarship application DEADLINE. Apply
  • April 23, Township Committee Meeting, 8pm @ Municipal Building
  • April 27, VOLUNTEER with the BTDC, 10am-1pm @ The Environmental Center - Sign Up
  • April 29, Board of Education Meeting, 7pm @ Ridge PAC
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With our organization expanding, and the 2024 election on the horizon, we're looking for creative talent in any of the following areas:
📣 Graphics on Canva - you understand graphic design basics and love working in Canva for print and social media.
📣 Google Drive + Docs - you know your way around creating forms, sign-up sheets, managing media and shared folders.
📣 Wordpress - you know the basics for creating blog posts.
📣 Social Media - you have worked on Meta Pro accounts and are familiar with cross posting, running ads and working with ye olde algorithm.
Drop us an email:
ATTENTION COLLEGE STUDENTS: If your major is in marketing, political science or digital media, this opportunity may qualify as an internship for credit.
BTDC Civic
The application link for the 2024 BTDC Civic Scholarship is live and will remain open through April 15. We encourage students who are currently in their junior or senior year at Ridge – and who actively work to foster democratic values – to apply for this great opportunity. To apply, look for the application at or on Naviance. We look forward to reviewing your application!
Have an event or news you'd like to share?
Paid for by the Bernards Township Democratic Committee