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It's been a minute. You know that saying, "there's a light at the end of every tunnel"? I am really hoping I am seeing that light soon. Life has been full on, mostly work-related full-oness. Fortunately, it seems like I am almost at the end of this tunnel and hopefully I won't enter the next one for a while to come! 
Things are easing up just in time for summer to hit LA. It's been quite gloomy this winter and spring, but yesterday I had my first beach day and it was just what I needed to reset my mindset. I have the added bonus that this will be my first summer in 2 years where I am not pregnant or with an infant! I'm looking forward to sunny beach days with my spicy toddler and my surf loving partner. On to more things that have been rising to the top recently…
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My latest blog post is all about summer closet additions + more progress on (re)defining my style postpartum. 
I recently read I Could Live Here Forever by Hanna Halperin and while the characters were annoyingly flawed, I devoured the story. The pace of it combined with my anticipation for the main character to get her act together had me staying up at night to get through it. I read it in a couple of sittings which definitely has not occurred since I had my son. Feels nice to be getting back to hobbies.
This tapas inspired charm necklace has been living rent free in my head for nearly a month and I am not mad about it. I can't tell if I just need to vacation in Spain or quirky jewelry is my new love language.
I am a long time lover of the Korean housewife side of YouTube and I rediscovered one of my old favorites, Haegreendal. If you've never watched please do and thank me later. I've never been both relaxed and inspired to deep clean all at once.
Speaking of Korean smashes, the Beauty of Josen sunscreen really is all it is hyped up to be. I am absolutely loving both the cream and the stick.
For Mother's Day I got myself this braided leather basket bag on Etsy and I haven't wanted to use any other bag  in weeks. I am inspired to declutter my bags o I can add another from this artisan in the next year or so!
This TikTok about toddler and bananas made me literally laugh out loud. For extra laughs and validation read the comments too, pure gold.
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