autumn round-up
We are just over halfway through autumn, and in my books, it's the best season of the year. Welcome if you are one of our many new subscribers. Our four seasonal roundup newsletters will have information to help you improve or develop your farm performance. Success could be the purchase of a new farm, a change to your production system, ending a drought under budget, or the development of a new skill. Please follow our socials and get in touch if we can help with your business. 
Benchmarking numbers head north
Over the last 12 months, Agrista has grown the scale of its benchmarking database with the value of farm assets benchmarked now sitting at $2.8 billion. We anticipate significant growth for the benchmarking period ending July 2024 as our reputation for delivery and service grows. Get in touch if you feel you may benefit from the use of our benchmarking services.   
3 Free articles on livestock production and profitability
Including the one about Mary and her little lamb that almost blew up our website. 
Liming decisions for maximum return podcast
Our most listened-to podcast to date. Also, a few spots left for the 2 MLA Business EDGE workshops in Tamworth and Armidale. This is for those wanting to develop their business efficiency and profitability. 
Focused on improving farm performance

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