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It's that time of year when the allure of cleansing rituals, belly resets, green juices for gut health, and detox packs come out in full force compelling you to “start today and rid yourself of 10 pounds of waste in no time…”
But there’s a little more to it than that simple tagline above. There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to detoxification. 
Detox diets, often heralded as the holy grail for eliminating toxins and kickstarting weight loss, have garnered widespread popularity, but here’s the truth, they really don’t help because in order to detox you have to look at all the components. You have to detox the liver, lymphatic system, and your gut all simultaneously.
Taking a master cleanse, for instance, and adhering to it for 20 days may lead to entering a ketotic state, but once the cleanse is over, the body tends to regain all the lost water weight. This approach primarily targets the small and large intestines and the gut, neglecting the other crucial metabolic units that require detoxification.
Moreover, the abrupt release of toxins in a ketotic state can overwhelm the body's natural detoxification pathways. Without comprehensive support for drainage and detoxification across all metabolic units, toxins may remain trapped within the body, impeding the cleansing process.
The bottom line: without drainage, nothing moves.
So before you go spending your hard earned cash on the next “magic in a bottle,” remember that these “detox diets” don’t do anything that your body can’t naturally do on its own. A full-body detox is part of regular organ function, with the body naturally eliminating harmful substances through the kidneys, liver, digestive system, skin, and lungs.
You can enhance your body's natural detoxification system and improve your overall health by staying hydrated, consuming less salt, staying active, and following an antioxidant-rich diet. These lifestyle choices not only support detoxification but also promote holistic wellness. Are there a few supplements I recommend to aid in this process? ABSOLUTELY! Grab them here and think of them more as a “cherry on top” to your normal healthy lifestyle, not as a replacement.
Now, if you feel like you’ve tried ALL THE THINGS and still feel like garbage, it might be time to seek a consult. Reach out to me and book a telehealth appointment so we can gather more information to get to the root cause of YOUR concerns. What works for someone else, might not work for you, this where our partnership in creating the right protocol for you comes into play. 
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Yours in health,
Dr. Loretta