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Ari Affirmations
I view food as nourishment, not a punishment or a reward.
I choose foods that make me feel vibrant, energized, and alive.
I release the need for perfection in my eating habits.
Happy Tuesday, boo!
Word on the street is…
You are trying to age like FINE WHINE (girlllll, me too!).
So let's talk about the macronutrient your body needs to make that happen…
It's not just a trend on social media.
It's not just for the gym rats or bodybuilders.
It's not just a powder that you shake in a bottle.
It is your secret weapon for staying strong, healthy, and vibrant.
Because truth is…
As we age as women, our bodies will naturally go through some changes (it's like our muscles and metabolism decide to take a little vacation). Rude, right?!
But protein can help us combat these changes.
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Why Protein Matters for Women Over 30…
  1. Preserves Your Muscle Mass: As we age, we naturally begin to lose muscle mass (this is a process known as sarcopenia). Eating the right amount of protein can help keep your muscles strong and toned for everyday functionality. Oh, and so you can twerk a lil something on the dancefloor #justsayin
  2. Boosts Your Metabolism: Simply put, it takes more energy for your body to digest protein compared to carbs or fats, so you burn more calories just by eating it. Talk about a win-win!
  3. Keeps Your Bones Strong: Protein plays a huge role in helping you maintain bone density. This is especially important for us women since we are at a higher risk of osteoporosis later in life.
  4. Balances Your Hormones: Protein is packed with amino acids, which are like the building blocks of our hormones. Eating protein can support hormonal balance, which is super important during perimenopause and menopause.
Ways to Incorporate Protein In Your Diet
  1. Start Your Day Right Swap out that sugary cereal for a protein-packed breakfast that'll keep you feeling full all morning long. Think Greek yogurt with berries, scrambled eggs with avocado, or a protein smoothie that'll make your taste buds go woo-woo! :P
  2. Snack Smarter: Instead of reaching for the office donuts (tempting, I know), opt for protein-rich snacks that'll keep your energy levels steady throughout the day. Munch on string cheese, nuts, apples with almond butter, or edamame for a tasty protein boost that won't leave you crashing later.
  3. Lunchtime Love: Give your midday meal a protein upgrade by adding some lean protein to your salads, wraps, or bowls. Toss in some grilled chicken, tofu, or chickpeas for a lunch that'll leave you feeling satisfied.
  4. Dinner Delights: Wrap up your day by whipping up some grilled salmon, grilled chicken, turkey meatballs, or even lentil soup for a protein-packed dinner.
  5. Smart Swaps or Adds: Look for simple ways to sneak more protein into your favorite dishes. Swap out regular pasta for protein-rich chickpea pasta, or add a scoop of protein powder to your morning oatmeal or smoothie.
  6. Prep Like a Pro: Spend a little time on meal prep each week that way you'll have protein-packed options ready to go when you get hungry. Pre-cook some chicken breasts, hard-boil a batch of eggs, or whip up a big batch of chili to have on hand for easy, nutritious meals for the week ahead.

Whenever you are ready, here are three ways I can support you:
Have a great week!
Ariel Belgrave, CPT
Certified Health & Fitness Coach
Stress Management Specialist
Board Member, Women's Health Mag
Under Armour Athlete
P.S. I encourage you to forward this email to someone who could use this wisdom (sharing is caring!)