"Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the
 troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... 
the ones who see things differently - they're not fond of rules, 
and they have no respect for the status quo...
You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them,
but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things. 
They push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy 
ones, we see genius, because the people who are crazy enough to
 think that they can change the world, are the ones who do."
– Steve Jobs 1997 (The year I rebelled against my
 friends and begged to be sent away to boarding school) 
Just a Pretty girl with her Robot Coupe
This month’s pop up is with Napa Valley Bottlerock (music festival) in mind- goodies to stock up on for late night and the infamous ‘morning after’. Spread the word and check out the full menu here.
I was recently invited to a (very exclusive) dinner in San Francisco that I have so many opinions about I was afraid to even mention for temptation to digress. The keynote was a top Disney executive who referred to herself as a woman and was likely the best part of the evening. 

The group of let’s say 40 were asked not to share much of the evening by the host, whose home we were all invited to with somewhat of a ‘secret society’ vibe. I thought this request just a few days after Jupiter and Uranus met up in Taurus for the first time in, oh, a century was auspicious. Jupiter is all about sharing- it’s a celebrity esc vibe. And Uranus lives to rebel, shake things up, start something new. And Taurus, sticks its heels in the earth and stays tried and true- ready for the long haul. Are secret societies still ‘a thing’? 

There was so much I observed at this dinner I wouldn’t even know where to begin so I won’t. However, it did cause me to think about the relationship with the mother- earth and all mothers, especially those of young children and those caring for parents returning ‘home’.

We have abandoned her: The Mother.
We don’t allow her time to check in, process, ask for help, nurture herself, feel her feelings, care for her health, be cared for…
Taurus season asks us to slow down and look at our values, our needs.
It was Jesus who said, love thy neighbor as thyself.
Wouldn’t this then mean that the degree to which you can love yourself becomes the gift that you offer your neighbor?! Therefore, the limits we have towards loving ourselves will be the limits we place on loving others. Why limit then? Perhaps it’s as simple as leaving the potential self aside and learning to deeply love and respect the you that is showing up as is today?
What we are facing now in history has nothing to do with physical endurance.
What is ahead for all of us will be a test of emotional agility.
How healthy is your mind?
Emotional wisdom is not revered in our culture. The more we practice feeling feelings, we will know what to do with them when they show up. 
Our feelings are part of our genius!
April was big energy. Not only was I healing from my surgery, I recorded two separate podcasts with women I admire and happened to have a record month for business while squeezing in a surprise trip to NYC. 
Naturally, a lot of debris was kicked up, clearing the way for the next cycle. We were sandwiched between eclipses and Jupiter and Uranus met up in Taurus for the first time in almost a century kick starting a 14-year cycle that I am going to coin as the time to return to the sacred senses. All of the seasons including Astrology remind us that we are here to grow, change and evolve. Aries was lift off, now it’s time to root, process the energy of April by tuning towards our natural gifts- the gifts that allow us to see, hear, touch, feel, taste and sense all our surroundings honoring the rhythm that is now, at our own pace before we share all of what we have learned once Gemini arrives! 
So, I ask: What is your pace? What are your needs? What are you learning?
Our senses are our natural superpowers: our antennae. 
Permission to have preferences and get clear on your values. 
No day but today belts from Broadway.
You can tell when people are close to source (God), they are brighter.
And leave you feeling lit up.
It’s really that simple.
How close are you?
And how do you leave people feeling?
We are all someone- the sum of one- in this together.
There is no competing, rather a journey of completing.
I say this to shake off some tough energy (felt from suffering women sadly) this past month. The mother within all of us is wounded, the nurturer, the caretaker, the one who needs to be held and longs to give. Deborah Hanekamp of Mama Medicine refers to this as The Witch Wound. It’s the part of our ancestral story living inside all wombs.  We often shine the brightest, ironically through our greatest wound.  My greatest wound stems from an experience in 3rd grade with public speaking- a story for another time, although I will mention since Taurus rules the neck and throat and I have done a lot of talking recently.
I was part of a retreat in April where I facilitated nourishing our guests with warm herbal tea and gougere right out of the oven upon arrival, cold pressed juice after yoga and then a farm to table lunch. I was gifted with 20 extraordinary women’s attention for approximately 10 minutes and asked for all of us to look around and admire one another.
I asked each of us to think about the word Intimacy.
One of my teachers, Peter Crone recently broke up this word as: Into me see.
I have an intimate relationship with reality he says, and I agree.
Reality is this moment, right here, right now, not looking back or forward.
It’s the power of now as Eckhart Tolle so poignantly gifted the world.
All we have is now. All we know is what we know today.
What if it all works out?
Trusting will change your vibration and living with this mindset will set you free. As Bob Marley so famously sang, none but ourselves can free our minds
I have worked with Deborah (Mama Medicine) for 6 years now exploring the witch wound. As I mentioned, mine resided primarily in my throat. Presenting at retreats and recording podcasts is such evidence of the pain being transmuted to light. When we focus on our spiritual evolution, we transmute pain into power after all. If we didn’t put so much emphasis on ‘the when’ things might happen, perhaps we would enjoy the journey a bit more and feel delightedly surprised ‘when’ arrives. It's one of the universal laws actually; that any thought, goal or idea held continuously within the mind will inevitably come true..
Are you open to trying an exercise?
Reach out your arms, stretch as wide as possible and while keeping your arms outward, spin clockwise or counterclockwise- it doesn’t matter the direction you spin.
This is your aura. And everywhere you go, it follows like a trail of wind.
You vibrate and people feel your energy.
Everything changes when you start to emit your own frequency;
When you protect your aura and lead with your energy versus the energy picked up from others. It takes practice until you don't need to practice and then it becomes innate. This is the goal: freedom through peace of being. 
If you could only choose one, would you rather be loved or give love today? There is no wrong answer, however it’s a powerful question that will give guidance for where you are at this season in life. Again, neither is better and luckily when we develop true intimacy with ourselves, we are designed to give AND receive love and don’t need to choose only one. How we allow our own needs to be met, is how willing we are to allow others intimately into our lives to see and be seen while also giving back. 

I have a theory that when we speak truth and spirits are present, the hair raises from our skin causing goose bumps. I like to think of my guides as cheerleaders on the sidelines at my ‘game of life’ rooting me on to keep going- They are so excited to help!
There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.
-Albert Einstein
Signing off with super sparkly energy- can you feel it?
Consider booking a session- it fills me up more than measurable to have the opportunity to guide. 
Natalie Niksa