Hey First name / bestie
I hope you’re having an awesome week! Let me know what you’ve been up to, I’m super intrigued to know!
I’m having a really exciting day and I wish I could tell you more about it but I really want to make it perfect so I’ll have to keep it to myself for now 🤫
Although it does tie in quite nicely to something that I would really love to discuss with you in today’s email 😉
Do you allow yourself to take messy action, or do you tend to sit and procrastinate because you’re afraid of what people will think?

In this week's newsletter:
⚡ Messy action
💡 Managing socials in the summer
👀 New IG features
🩷 Meditation & calm

I can hear some of the thoughts that probably went through your mind when you thought about running with a particular idea for your podcast…
  • “I can’t say that, people will think I’m…”
  • “I can’t do X, it’s too similar to what Y is doing…”
  • “Oh God, this is really out of my comfort zone, maybe this isn’t for after all…”
  • “What if I do this and then someone from high school sees it and sends it to her friends…”
Am I somewhere closeFirst name?
I would definitely say that I’m leaning more towards a “messy action” era right now, but it definitely hasn’t always felt like this. 
When I first started Honey Bee Social it was kinda a rushed decision that I wish I had put more thought into, rather than taking so many leap of faiths. It was hard to keep track of what worked and what didn’t. 
Within 2 months of setting up my Instagram account, I had quit my corporate job, moved across the country and put my all into making my business be the success that I knew was possible. 
To cut a loooong story short, I had no idea what I was doing. One thing I know for sure is that I was posting really shitty content, and you might think “why on earth are you telling me things, you’re literally a Social Media Manager”. 
Well, as much as it is a tough one to admit, it actually proves my point pretty well. I firmly believe that you should learn as you go, because there will always be someone who’s been doing it longer than you, knows more than you and looks up to you etc… 
I’ve actually lost count of how many times I have pivoted before I found a place that I am 100% happy and content with.

💡Hot Tip
Now, I want to put the messy action aside for one second, because summer is finally coming and I want to give you my 3 biggest tips to feel totally in control of your socials this summer (rather than your socials being in complete control of you). 
Setting goals isn’t just something that you do on NYE and then forget about for the rest of your year. You need to be checking in with the goals you have set in the past and see if they still align with how you feel now.
If your goals have changed then that’s absolutely okay, it just means that you need to reassess if you need to be taking different actions so that you end up following the right path. 
No more sitting at a coffee shop with a friend and thinking “I've forgotten to post on instagram AGAIN”, before manically scrambling a photo, caption and hashtags together just to tick a box. 
Having a content calendar that shows you exactly what you’ll be posting for that month will allow you to create and schedule content in advance so that you can sit back, relax and enjoy your coffee, knowing that your audience is being nurtured on autopilot. (If content calendars are something you'd love to have done for you, keep an eye on The Social Hive 👀😉)
This one isn’t necessary, but I do highly recommend it, especially if you are someone that finds it difficult to truly switch your brain away from socials sometimes! 
I know that you are committed to providing your audience with the best possible content, but that doesn’t mean you need to be available for them 24/7. That’s how you end up on a one-way train to burnout city my friend!
Here are a few new IG features you may have missed:
👉 You can now edit your DMs up to 15 minutes after sending
👉 You can now change the theme of your DMs
👉 Notes are now visible on your profile 
🩷 Current Faves
Before I bring this email to a close, I wanted to get to know each other a little bit better by sharing one of my current favourite things from this month, and maybe you would feel comfortable hitting reply and letting me know yours?!
Mine is meditation & moments of calm! I've downloaded a new free app called ‘medito’ and meditating instead of doom scrolling before bed has been a game changer! No really, I mean it!
Image item
Oh and one last thing! Tell me what era you feel like you are in right now…
Until next time 🫶
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