Join this informative presentation on lightning, why we cannot harness it, and ways to protect and be safe from it at the Clubhouse (11 Oorbietjie Rd, Robin Hills, Randburg, 2194) on Wednesday 8 May at 7 pm. Arrive early, from 6:30 pm, to enjoy drinks from the cash bar.
Ken is an Associate Professor in the School of Electrical and Information Engineering at the University of the Witwatersrand. He is a Fellow of the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers (SAIEE) and a Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). His research interests and activities are quite broad, but, data and energy cut across the majority of his engagements and expertise.
He is particularly passionate about lightning protection and safety, and serves on the board of directors of the African Centres for Lightning Education Network (ACLENet).
Ken’s deep scientific knowledge of electricity can help us understand the electrical principles of untamed lightning; it holds so much mysticism and power - Zeus, Greek god of the sky, with his lightning bolt in his hand with an Eagle on his shoulder, comes into many of the fantasy stories written today. For us mere mortals, Ken will do a myth busters talk on lightning, why we cannot harness it, and ways to protect and be safe from it.

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Catch this nerve-wracking thriller play, written by Peter Speed, long time member of Johannesburg section of the MCSA! 
Deadpoint is about three climbers who were victims of an attack on an exploratory bouldering trip where one friend was murdered in a violent run-in with a group of illegal miners. The trio reunite, seemingly by chance, in a remote, weather-beaten hut. Traumatised, they carry the emotional scars of the event. Survivor's guilt, betrayal and unresolved issues lie just below the surface. They meet at the point where the past catches up with them, the deadpoint.
Paul Spence, a veteran of the Royal Shakespeare Company, will be directing and performing, alongside fellow actors, Axl Forder and Kath McClelland, in this tense drama where secrets and hidden motives are revealed.
Peter and Paul have collaborated on several dramatic projects since they first met in the University of Natal’s drama department in the late ’70s. The play will premiere at CityROCK Johannesburg, and will be staged in the “round”, where the audience surrounds the stage.
The play has two performances here in Johannesburg, on the 17th and 18th of May at 7pm. Tickets are available through Quicket
MCSA members get a 15% discount.

News & Reminders
Our last tidbits of admin and member updates!
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After an early start, everyone arrived on time, and we set off fully loaded on our hike by 10:00. Three of us went ahead to tackle our "boulder problem". The boulder in question was a large rock at the bottom of the "Corkscrew". I'm pleased to report that this was a success. 
While we had the drill out, we replaced the abseil anchor at "Nitwits Trajectory" and added a bolt for the handrail. Additionally, a second bolt was added to the waterfall abseil anchor (originally intended as a redirect). By the time we returned, camp was set up, and it was time to relax by the bonfire, enjoying a braai and sipping whiskey under the full moon and fairy lights.
This was the main event. All twelve of us ventured to brave the famous slides, and nobody backed down. We all made it through the slides with a few scrapes and bruises. The confidence, skill, and style displayed on the slides, abseils, and general sure-footedness were impressive. Those with enough energy left went for a second round.
A small group embarked on another run at the kloof to de-rig, then it was time to pack up camp and head back.
What a perfect way to finish off the kloofing season! Not just the location, but especially the camaraderie—the way you all supported me when I was feeling weak—will not be forgotten. Sekororo is a must-visit destination for all adrenaline junkies in the club. It's hard to appreciate the epicness of the slides by just looking at the videos.
A special thanks to the SEC for the use of their drill and Ulrike for the use/donation of her haul bags.
- Andreas
Every donation to the club, big or small, makes a difference. Your support in this crucial time will help us pay off our debts promptly and maintain a strong financial foundation. You can donate by transferring money via EFT with your annual membership fees, or you can donate through our web portal. Please consider a recurring payment, which will make a big difference over time.
It is not what the club can do for you, it is what YOU can do for the club.

Explore. Discover. Connect. Protect.
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Office Number:  061 461 8259 
Office Hours: Mon & Wed 15:00 - 20:00, Tues & Thurs 13:00 - 18:00, Fri 9:00 - 12:00