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Changing from Granular to Liquid
Welcome First name / fellow lawn addict to another instalment of “The Fulcrum”.
As most of you will know, during the colder months our plans and recommendations are to move to a more liquid and foliar based fertilisation program. What some of you may not know is that this isn’t just because we think it’s a good idea (even though we clearly do) but is something backed with a bit of science and research. 
This weeks feature lawn is from Angus West! His all kikuyu feature putting green and surrounds. 
Green @ 8mm, Fairway @12mm, Rough @ 20mm
Liquid feeding can take on 2 forms. If you are a long time Lawn Addicts customer you would be familiar with both, these are soil drenching like your soil amendments, these fertilisers have our Brandt Nuture Methylene Urea slow-release technology (Fertech Complete, Refine and Greens and Tees). Then there is foliar feeding, where product is left on the leaf to dry for a number of hours (Special Fex, Fusion and again Fertech Complete etc). Whilst soil drenching has its place and is essential the lawn must be growing for the roots to uptake the nutrients, today we are going to focus more on foliar feeding. This is partly because we are coming into winter, and anything applied to the soil may be rendered ineffective due to lower soil temperature, due to reduced microorganism activity, also phloem and xylem saps and apoplastic fluids slow to a halt in dormant turf.
His use of Noculate complete, hydrolink advance, Fertech Kelpro, and Fertech Special Fex, really shows itself with the deep colour and excellent coverage.
. Once the soil temperatures drop and trigger plant dormancy, that we stop utilising granular fertilisers and feeding the soil then switch over to a more direct approach in nutrition and that’s by applying liquids directly to our grass.
So, what are the benefits of foliar feeding your lawn.
  1. Easy absorption.
    Liquid fertilisers by nature are in a more soluble form, meaning they are more easily absorbed by the plant. This makes them more efficient in giving the plant nutrients in colder conditions. A good analogy is to compare foliar feeding to a hospital using an intravenous to a patient.
  2. A more uniform application.
    Liquid fertiliser by nature and application has a more even distribution, which is essential during times of stress or trying to delay dormancy.
  3. Reduced risk of runoff. 
    Granular fertilisers risk been carried away or washed through the soil profile before they have had a chance to fully dissolve.
  4. Flexibility.
    Water soluble fertilisers give curators the chance to customise their applications. This allows us to address the needs of the plant more specifically in this time of year.
  5. More efficient application. 
    As the Nutrients are applied directly to the grass there is more uptake of the applied nutrients getting them to where they are needed the most.
Shop liquid fertilisers here
With a full Fleet of mowers, 1 for each HOC, and groomers and scarifier, and his use of some of the best products around, its easy to see why such an excellent surface is achieved. 
The Flagship of the Fertech Range
Lawn Addicts proud to have developed a unique foliar fertiliser that is different from anything else on the market and is rapidly becoming the product of choice for Amateur and Professional Lawn Addicts and curators, it’s even converting and opening the eyes of Non-Lawn Addicts to make the switch.
Fertech Fusion is a foliar liquid fertiliser specifically formulated to encourage and support cellular activity and development through nutritional and hormonal means.  Utilising a carefully formulated balance of vital macro and micronutrients in a highly plant available form to maximise uptake in a semi dormant to dormant turf plant, even better when applied with Kelpro.

Application Reminders
For the Addicts keeping up with our Warm Season free lawn plans we’re at that time again where we are doing our monthly soil amendments. So, the Hydrolink, Kelpro, and for those who use them, UMX, Fertech bio, and lastly Auxinone.
For the Addicts keeping up with our Cool Season free lawn plans, we’re up to the big one. The basis of all our plans. Granular, Hydrolink, Kelpro, and for those who use them, UMX, Fertech bio, and lastly Auxinone.

If you are wanting to take your lawn to the next level, here is the link to our fully personalised superintendent program.
Next instalment.
tune in next week where we talk about managing warm season grasses during winter.
Get your questions in via the button below.