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Hey First name / beautiful,
Welcome to the new and improved muse mail, my loves. If you are new here, welcome! You've joined at such a potent time. And if you have been here for a while, my love, thank you for still being here. I am truly grateful for you all. As you may notice, we have a new layout and also new content too. 
The way these will work is as follows:
On the first Sunday of every month, we will dive into our collective monthly focus. Then, week to week, we will work on this focus together. Additionally, every week, we will cover the cosmic weather for the week ahead. I'll also share updates, things I am loving, and or recently asked questions.
Are you ready to dive into this week's Sunday flow? Before we do, let's open this sacred space my love. 
Take a moment, my love. Place one hand on your heart and one hand on your womb area. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in through your nose, holding it at the top, and exhaling gently through your mouth. Feel your shoulders relax away from your ears as you surrender to this present moment. Here, within this sacred space, give yourself permission to receive my love, to soak in the guidance and invitations of this Sunday flow.
With each inhale, let go of worries, fears, and expectations. With each exhale, simply be. Be present. Be open. Be grateful. Feel the warmth of love wrapping around you like a soft blanket.
Now, as you feel ready, gently open your eyes and let the light in. Reach for your journal, pour yourself a comforting drink, maybe light a candle to set the mood. Together, let's dive into this Sunday's flow, embracing all that it has to offer.
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This month's focus is on Abundance and Worthiness.
Abundance, by definition, refers to the state of having a plentiful amount of something. It encompasses not just material wealth, but also richness in love, opportunities, and experiences.
Worthiness, on the other hand, pertains to the belief in one's own deservingness or value. It involves recognising and honouring your intrinsic worthiness simply by being who you are.
For many of us, abundance blocks may stem from feelings of unworthiness. Personally, my journey with abundance was intricately linked to my sense of worthiness. For years, I struggled with feeling deserving of the abundance I desired. However, five years ago, I made a conscious decision to heal this aspect of myself. Over the past five years, I have experienced significant shifts in both my relationship with abundance and my sense of worthiness. Yet, I acknowledge that this journey is ongoing, as we are constantly evolving beings.
So, let's dedicate this month to aligning ourselves with feelings of worthiness and abundance. Before we embark on this journey, take a moment to reflect on the following questions:
  • What is my current relationship to abundance?
  • What is my current relationship to feeling worthy?
  • What would it feel like for me to feel abundant?
  • What would it feel like for me to feel worthy?
Get ready for the upcoming new moon in Taurus, my loves! Taurus, ruled by Venus, is synonymous with abundance, making this celestial event particularly potent. On the 7th of May, as the new moon graces our skies, you'll discover a special abundance meditation waiting for you inside the lunar lounge. If this resonates with you, I invite you to give it a go.
But wait, there's more! Next Sunday, following the new moon, we'll transition into a phase of action. But for now, let's bask in the energy of reflection and release. Take this time to honour where you are on your journey and to let go of anything that no longer serves you.
Embrace the abundance that surrounds you, both within and without, and prepare to step into a new chapter of manifestation and growth.
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This week commences with a lengthy void moon phase, stretching from 6:57am on Monday until approximately 10:43pm. During this period, not only will the moon be void, but it will also be in its dark phase.
My love, I urge you to enter this week mindfully, infused with intention. Embrace this time to connect deeply with yourself, set intentions for the week ahead, and lean into surrendering and releasing.
As we navigate this phase, here are a few ways you can release and surrender:
  • Dedicate moments to quiet reflection, allowing yourself to let go of tension and stress. Engage in mindfulness practices that center you in the present moment.
  • Pour your thoughts onto paper, releasing any lingering worries or doubts. Use journal prompts to explore emotions and experiences, freeing yourself from mental clutter.
  • Spend time outdoors, immersing yourself in the beauty of nature. Allow the earth's energy to ground you and support your process of release and surrender.
Now, let's look ahead to some key dates and an overview of the upcoming new moon in Taurus on Tuesday the 7th.
  • Monday 6th: Nearly a whole day of the void & dark Moon.
  • Tuesday 7th: New Moon in Taurus
Taurus new moon
This Tuesday, the 7th, marks the arrival of the new moon in Taurus, positioned at 18 degrees. As we embrace the energy of this celestial event, let's dive into its significance and how it intertwines with our focus for the month: abundance and worthiness.
The new moon in Taurus invites us to plant seeds of intention firmly rooted in the fertile soil of abundance. Taurus, ruled by Venus, embodies the essence of stability, security, and material wealth. It encourages us to cultivate a sense of prosperity and abundance in all areas of our lives, both tangible and intangible.
This new moon serves as a powerful catalyst for manifesting our deepest desires and dreams. It prompts us to believe in our inherent worthiness to receive the blessings that the universe has in store for us. As we align ourselves with the energy of abundance, we are reminded that we are deserving of all the richness and abundance that life has to offer.
In the context of our focus on abundance and worthiness this month, the new moon in Taurus serves as a gentle nudge from the Universe to reaffirm our self-worth and to open ourselves up to the limitless possibilities that abound. It encourages us to release any limiting beliefs or scarcity mindsets that may be holding us back and to embrace a mindset of abundance and prosperity.
As we set our intentions under the light of this new moon, let's infuse them with a deep sense of worthiness and self-belief. Let's trust in the universe's abundant nature and allow ourselves to receive with open hearts and minds.
May this new moon in Taurus illuminate our path with its gentle glow, guiding us towards a future filled with abundance, joy, and fulfilment.
Remember to look out for the meditation in the Lunar Lounge on Tuesday.
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Welcome to the cosmic weather overview for the week ahead. Remember that we will dive deeper with these energies within the daily oracle.
Monday, May 6th: Void, Dark Moon
  • The week begins with a void and dark moon phase, offering a period of introspection and release. Use this time to reflect, recharge, and let go of what no longer serves you.
Tuesday, May 7th: New Moon in Taurus
  • Today brings the powerful energy of the new moon in Taurus, sparking new beginnings and opportunities for growth. Set intentions aligned with abundance, stability, and self-worth as you plant the seeds for your desires.
Wednesday, May 8th: Waxing Crescent Moon in Taurus
  • The waxing crescent moon continues its journey through Taurus, amplifying the energy of the new moon. Take practical steps towards manifesting your intentions and nurturing your goals with steadfast determination.
Thursday, May 9th: Waxing Crescent Moon in Gemini
  • The moon transitions into Gemini, infusing the atmosphere with curiosity, adaptability, and communication. Embrace flexibility and openness as you explore new ideas and possibilities.
Friday, May 10th: Waxing Crescent Moon in Gemini
  • The waxing crescent moon remains in Gemini, encouraging social connections, networking, and learning. Engage in stimulating conversations and seek out opportunities for mental stimulation and growth.
Saturday, May 11th: Waxing Crescent Moon in Cancer
  • As the moon enters Cancer, emotions come to the forefront, and nurturing energy abounds. Focus on self-care, home comforts, and connecting with loved ones as you recharge your emotional batteries.
Sunday, May 12th: Waxing Crescent Moon in Cancer
  • The waxing crescent moon continues its journey through Cancer, emphasising the importance of emotional security and intuitive guidance. Listen to your inner voice and honour your feelings as you navigate the day.
>> Releasing:
  • What limiting beliefs or patterns no longer serve my highest good? How can I release them with love and compassion?
  • Reflecting on the past lunar cycle, what emotions or experiences do I need to let go of to make space for new growth and abundance?
  • In what areas of my life do I feel stagnant or blocked? What steps can I take to release resistance and flow with the natural rhythms of the universe?
>> Intention Setting:
  • What heartfelt desires do I wish to manifest during this new moon? How can I align my actions and intentions to bring these dreams to fruition?
  • Visualise your ideal future: What does abundance and worthiness look and feel like to me? Set intentions that resonate with this vision, focusing on gratitude and openness to receive.
  • How can I cultivate a deeper sense of worthiness and self-love in my daily life? Set intentions for self-care practices, affirmations, or rituals that nurture your sense of worthiness and inner peace.
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Over the past few weeks, I've received numerous questions from members and clients about incorporating astrology into their daily lives on a deeper level. The beauty of astrology lies in its versatility—you can work with it every day in various ways, which is why I find it so captivating. However, I understand that delving into astrology can feel overwhelming, especially for beginners.
If you're looking to deepen your astrology practice, I recommend starting with the daily moon cycle. Each morning, take a moment to check in with the daily moon sign and phase, which you can easily access through the daily oracle emails. Journal about how you're feeling and set an intention for the day. Then, in the evening, reflect on your day and how you're feeling, concluding with a moment of gratitude. Commit to this practice for 30 days, and then look back to see if you notice any patterns, dips in energy, or recurring themes. Use this insight to make mindful adjustments and continue the practice.
Additionally, you can work with the Sun's seasons to align yourself with the prevailing energy. Take it a step further by exploring the house activated within your transiting chart and making goals or changes within that area of your life during each season. By engaging with all 12 seasons over an astrological year, you'll have addressed and worked on various aspects of your life.
These two approaches offer an accessible entry point into the world of everyday astrology. I'm excited to announce that I'm currently developing an everyday astrology offering to support those who wish to dive even deeper into this transformative practice. Look out for this coming real soon!
Now, as I bring this Sunday flow to a close, I want to again, thank you all for being here and wish you all a gentle and abundant week ahead.
Sending you so much love First name / my love.
Love & light, Kimmy xoxo