Veggie Spotlight: Strawberries

Welcome to the Veggie Spotlight where we feature a new veggie each newsletter to inspire you to try something new. This week is all about strawberries! If you have more questions about strawberries after this article, feel free to hit reply or DM me on Instagram.
Strawberries are best when they are in their peak season which is usually around April - June! They are usually sweeter and have more flavor during this period. So stock up on those ripe in season strawberries now!
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Okay, I know what you're thinking. “strawberries are a fruit why is this in a veggie spotlight?” Well because “produce spotlight” just does not sound as great as veggie spotlight. While we are on this debate of fruit vs. veggie lets take it a step further and ask what is a veggie? The official definition of a vegetable is “a plant or part of a plant used as food.” So really fruits ARE vegetables. The term vegetable is primarily used as a culinary term to indicate edible plants in general! This newsletter is really focused on exposing ALL produce including fruits, savory vegetables, herbs, etc.

My favorite ways to use strawberries… 
Make your own homemade compote, jam, or sauce. All of these involve cooking strawberries on the stove until they have broken down Which creates a great sauce to use in desserts, on toast, or in yogurt. This is also a great way to use fruit that is slightly past its prime and their texture is not the best.
In Salads:
Summer fruit salads like strawberries, mint, lime, and jicama or in a lettuce based salad with balsamic, goat cheese, mint and maybe even some prosciutto. 
This just means taking cut strawberries and tossing them with a little sugar (or no sugar). This brings out their natural flavors and juices and makes them a great simple topping.
The Strawberry Facts…
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What is a strawberry?
Strawberries are bright red berries that great to eat in the summer. They are technically aggregate fruits, meaning they form from the multiple ovaries of a single flower.
What do they taste like?
Strawberries have a sweet, slightly tart flavor that can vary in intensity. The darker the berry the sweeter and juicier they tend to be. Strawberries can really vary in flavor depending on the season and locality of the crop. I always try to find in season local organic berries for the best flavor.
What to look for when buying?
Look for strawberries that are bright red and uniform in color. They should be plump, firm, and have a natural shine. Check for any signs of mold, bruising, or mushy spots as they tend to spoil rather fast. Once one berry starts to spoil, it can quickly spread to the rest so it is important to sift through them as soon as you get home to ensure there aren't any sneaky bad berries in the center of the container. 
How to best prepare strawberries?
Give them a good rinse under cold water and enjoy raw. They are perfect for salads, desserts, smoothies, jams, and even savory dishes. Some of my favorite ways to use strawberries are strawberry rhubarb compote, salads, chocolate covered or dipping into chocolate, in cakes, smoothies, crumbles, etc. 
How to best store at home?
Store strawberries in the refrigerator to extend their freshness. Place them in a shallow container lined with paper towels to absorb moisture, and keep them unwashed until you're ready to eat or use them.  Another method I have heard people have success with is soaking them in water and a small amount vinegar for 3 minutes, completely drying and storing in a paper towel lined container as well. I have had success with both methods, but what I find most important is to make sure they aren't crammed together so much and to refresh the paper towel frequently. All that said, strawberries really aren't lasting much longer than 5 days or so at peak freshness. For longer storage, you can freeze strawberries by washing, removing stems, and drying them, then laying them out on a baking sheet to freeze individually before transferring them to a freezer-safe bag or container.
If you do happen to leave strawberries in the fridge too long and they go a little soft, these are still GREAT to use in sauces, compotes, jams, smoothies. So please don't throw them out unless they have mold on them. 
What is the best season?
In Season strawberries are crucial! They just don't taste as good when they aren't fully in season. The best season for strawberries is late spring to early summer, typically from April to June in the Northern Hemisphere. Strawberries are often available in most stores for a much longer period than this, but the sweetest strawberries are always in season.
Nutritional Benefits
Strawberries are highly nutritious and low in calories. They are an excellent source of vitamin C, manganese, and antioxidants. They also contain fiber, folate, and potassium. Consuming strawberries can support heart health, help regulate blood sugar levels, and provide anti-inflammatory benefits.

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The Wholesome Home Cook

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Disclaimer: I am not a dietician or doctor and this is not medical advice. Please seek a Registered Dietitian or doctor for specific health care and medical advice.