Are you even rural if you don't know who the ICPA is ?
Happy ‘slide-into-winter’ time for our southern states, while our Queenslanders up north watch on in awe (or bewilderment). Toe socks, woollen gloves, gentle washing of the ice off the windscreen, industrial strength felt lined rubber gloves to clean the troughs…. I'm getting colder just writing the list.
Well I'm off to sunny Townsville for the Queensland Isolated Children's Parents' Association (ICPA) State Conference and watching the weather on the nightly news has me pulling out the summer frocks from their recent relegation to the back of the wardrobe. (insert small happy dance).
Queensland must be exhausted from its hosting duties. Unless you've been living under a winter weighted feather doona you may have noticed Beef Week just wrapped up and honestly this celebration of beef gets better and better every time Rockhampton opens its gates! I loved watching along at home via the socials.  A bit further up the coast, Townsville is bracing itself for the arrival of hundreds of delegates - members, schools, stakeholders and sponsors - for the annual State Conference of ICPA. 
I've written an article this month about the vital role the ICPA  plays in ensuring equity of access to education for rural, regional and remote children all over Australia. From early childhood to tertiary. It simply cannot be understated that without this organisation our hopes for equity would remain just that….hopes. In my tribute to this volunteer organisation I aim to share their story and if you read nothing else of my newsletter this month, try and take a few moments to read this. 
We kicked off live Expo season in Dubbo with the fervour of a Taylor Swift concert. Biggest Expo ever and thank you to everyone that visited. The auditorium was filled with the joyous sounds of schools talking to families, with some travelling well over 800 km to visit. Wagga is next, on the  21st and 22nd June and our Queenslanders will definitely be sweating with envy as they watch us freeze our socks off!
Thank you to Ravenswood School (Sydney, NSW) for sponsoring this newsletter - you can read about them below. 
I've included a couple of my favourite recommendations for the month with a big shout out to Townsville.  And remember, if you've got any suggestions for topics or questions you'd like to ask, please get in touch. All of our contact details are on our website. 
I look foward to meeting you at one of our Expo events.
Have a great month,
Amanda x

Here are the things we're loving right now…Townsville feature for our trip to the ICPA QLD Conference 🤩
Thank you to this month's Sponsor

Have you finished your boarding school journey ? Share our news…. tell your friends and family who might be on their way. Our website provides almost 20 years of resources and experience to families and students considering their options and beginning their days at boarding school.
We acknowledge that the land on which we work and live is the traditional land of the Wiradjuri and Wangaaypuwan peoples of the Wiradjuri Nation.
 We pay our respects to Elders past and present and extend that respect to all First Nations people.