it's from the heart...

Introducing: our new format and NEW name!
Plus, all the resources in one place!

Topics at a glance!
  • stretch
  • read
  • listen
  • ponder 
  • make
  • product
  • resources

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Email #66
Welcome to our NEW FORMAT and NAME. We rounded the corner of our year anniversary a few weeks ago and we wanted to make our email even more beneficial for you to celebrate AND release a new name!
Each email will still have a single topic but now we will have specific categories for learning more - making it easier for you to find what you want!
We will now also include a S T R E T C H in each email - a challenge for you to do that will apply to the topic we are sharing!
This week you are getting an explanation of each category (although we will not do every category each week - just what you need!)
AND we thought we would do a quick overview of all the amazing resources we have for you here at SIMPLY :: the wellness place!
(And check out where the photos came from at the bottom!)

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…Introduction to our topic

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…Actually do something. 
Take the suggestion we share and apply it to your life.

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…Related blog post or article

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…Relevant podcast 

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…New printable to print

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…Quote to make you think

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…DIY recipe

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…Product suggestion for topic

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…Other places for info

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About Us
What exactly is SIMPLY :: the wellness place?
We are a group of women supporting other women (or men or kids!) find more wellness in a moderate, balanced way.
We know how overwhelming it can feel with so much information out there! Plus, we truly don't believe in absolutes. We do not believe in giving up your coffee/wine/soda/ice cream along the way. (Life is too short, amIright?)
We want to give you guidance on your wellness journey with tips that we have learned over the years that really help make a difference.
We share this information for free and are excited to have you here.
We make money whenever you purchase a wellness product from our brand partner, Young Living, a company whose products have transformed our lives so we want to share them!
You can simply enjoy our FREE resources (below) and/or you can become a member of SIMPLY :: the wellness place by opening a free account with Young Living (no purchase OR credit card needed) for even MORE benefits! (Check them out below.)
For our members, we have the SIMPLY :: clean, a 14-day reset, we do monthly with a ton of great info.
We have a few FREE resources you can tap into:
SIMPLY :: the wellness emails: What you have right here! They were made to share so forward to a friend - let them know you are thinking of them! Click to check out our archives.
SIMPLY :: the wellness podcast: Listen to some great wellness topics! We add an episode or two each month.
SIMPLY :: the wellness blueprint: A FREE course to help you get your wellness blueprint created! Includes a 25+ page full-color workbook.
The Essential Oil E-Course: Want to learn why these gems from nature are so amazing? This quick course will help!
SIMPLY :: solutions: Check out the 12 most common issues people share with us - and why they love Young Living! Find yours and see what we can do to support you.
Become a member… 
All you have to do order!
(Actually, you don't even have to order!)
First of all…you get US!
A welcoming, non-judgmental, open-minded, relaxed group of peeps who will support you on your wellness journey!
We are doing it, too, and enjoy supporting others.
Who couldn't use a few more cheerleaders?
If you set up a FREE Young Living account, you get a FREE membership to SIMPLY :: the wellness place using our link!
You need to use our link or you will end up with a different community!
Membership includes:
  • a Personal Wellness Concierge: This person will help you navigate Young Living to find the perfect products to help you find your solutions!
  • Full access to our oily resource: Oily U (Check out the member resources here.)
  • Access to our vibrant, FB community: Sharing Wellness || SIMPLY :: the wellness place
  • Access to our business training & mentorship, should you choose to become a coworker with us. (WE KNOW! Working with us is truly amazing, if we do say so ourselves! :-) )
AND access to:
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a 14-day life reset
14-days to help you step into healthier habits
We supply education, preparation ideas, tracking sheets,
menu ideas, shopping lists and more!
If you want to join, check out the DETAILS HERE.
SIMPLY  :: clean
What is the 14-Day reset??
Every day for 2 weeks you will do the following:
  • Drink NingXia Red daily - we will be drinking more than the usual 2oz a day to jumpstart the anti-inflammatory benefits. (More Below)
  • Eat in more nutritious way with provided meal plans and recipes to keep it simple.
  • Drink half your body weight in ounces of water.
  • Move your body 30 minutes a day with provided workouts - or on your own!
  • Bonus: Relaxation! Doing something each day to help you relax.
    • A tasty, superfood, goji berry drink.
    • Studies show it is a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant.
    • Something we drink every day! If you are NEW to Young Living, we recommend the NEW Make a Shift Kit Kit, made especially for our reset!
NEW CUSTOMERS: We recommend purchasing the Make a Shift Reset Kit. Make it a Loyalty Rewards order to get points back for future purchases!
AND use discount code: 
ShareYL to save 10%!
RETURNING CUSTOMERS: If you are on Loyalty Rewards, purchase the Ningxia Red Loyalty Rewards kit - it's a GREAT deal.
You can also purchase the Make a Shift Reset Kit as a regular order. (It's not available on Loyalty Rewards yet.)
FYI - 
the photos in our new graphics came from a hike north of Duluth, MN. They were on the shore of Lake Superior. The reflection in the water was so beautiful!
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Speak soon, friend!

the wellness place
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PS: If you thought of anyone who would benefit from this information as you were reading it, feel free to share it with them. We want to reach as many as possible with positive, health benefiting information! Just send them this LINK or they can email us and ask for it.
PPS: If a friend sent you this email and you are thinking “I want this in my inbox!” You can get it! AND you get a goodie, too! Grab our SIMPLY :: the wellness blueprint to get on our weekly e-news list - AND get the 3 steps we recommend everyone takes for their wellness journey!
PPSS: AND, if you want to order from our Brand Partner, Young Living, you will also get a yearlong membership to our fabulous community: SIMPLY :: the wellness place with a bevy of goodies.  Anyone can become a member of our community - just ORDER HERE OR set up a FREE account HERE with Young Living (aka - NO PURCHASE NECESSARY!) to give you a chance to see what we have to offer in fun and education!
PPPSS:  As a member (ie you need to have an account through us first), remember to check out our FB page (called Sharing Wellness || SIMPLY :: the wellness place).  We have more to share with you and that's where we run our challenges and giveaways! GO NOW
PPPSSS:  Make sure you subscribe to our podcast - SIMPLY: THE WELLNESS PODCAST so you get updates every time we drop a new episode.