Dear Starfish Connection Community,
I’ve recently done a deep dive into my inner light and my darkness and as ever, both have so much to show me. Whether I take the lessons offered or not is entirely my choice and my responsibility. To choose growth and evolution over the comfort of staying in the known is the only way forward and so I embrace the lessons - the teachers that come from my shadow and the leaders that come from my light.
When I shift and move myself forward, who and where I share my love and energy with shifts and moves with me. As we approach the summer solstice I am feeling the expansion of the days and the extension of the light. Even without the sun these months, there is light!
It is that light that I’m harnessing and sharing as we move into the middle of the year. Our crisis funding program is spreading light through rent payments like the one we made for Eduvid whose colon cancer has returned and is unable to work. Her relief at our $1100 rent check shown on her face and she was so grateful for the gift. In our first two years we have served 141 people and gifted over $50,000 to neighbors in our community.
We are expanding our leadership team and inviting people to apply for our Board of Directors. Would you like to help us do this beautiful work? Or know someone who would? Growing into our work and our community takes the time, talent, treasure, and ties.
We'd love your help spreading light to those who need a beacon in the dark!
With love,
Sarah Abrams
Executive Director