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JUNE 2024
Quilt Guild Meeting is JUNE 10, 2024 @ 7 pm 
Location is First Baptist West Church 73th and NW Cache Rd in Lawton, OK
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Letter from the President
Hello Guild Members!
 Can you believe it, half of the year is gone after this month! Where are you with your quilting? Are you still in rest phase from our quilt show? Time to get into production again. Are you a quilter who only works on one project at a time? or one who multi-tasks? I thought I was a one project person, but looking around I have 6 things on my list. Yes, I make lists and feel so accomplished when I can mark off that list with my big, fat, black magic marker. Our next quilt show is a year and a half out, time to give thought to the 2026 show and volunteer to help. Mandy Ralston has some great ideas for our show, let's give her our support and volunteer for positions on the show committee. Our last show was great, let's do this again!
In May we had discussion on the pros and cons of joining the Modern Quilt Guild ((MQG). Good arguments were brought up on both sides, but the cons in joining won out. Joining the MQG will be on an individual member basis, but the guild will not make the transition, we will remain the Wichita Mountains Quilt Guild. Speaking on membership, at last count we had 41 members. We need to work on bringing new people into our guild. At one time our members numbered into the 80's. To sustain as a guild we need new members.
We have a new person as Community Chair, Traci Crumley. We have been going thru our storage facility and removing "junk". We needed to see what was available for the guild to use for our charity work. We even brought some to guild meeting last month at bargain prices. If you took one of the bags of HST's to piece into a top, please remember to bring to the next meeting. Please help Traci.
Remember our meeting time has changed to 6:30 for refreshments and social time and 7:00 pm for meeting. We voted on this in May. This time will run for 6 months, at which time we will review and see how this went for allowing people to get to our meeting in a more timely manner.
See you in June!

Guild Meeting Minutes
May 13, 2024
The meeting was called to order by president Peggy Coe at 6:08pm.
Beverly Martine moved to accept the minutes as printed in the newsletter. Anke Baker seconded the
motion. Motion passed.
Beverly Martine moved to accept the treasurer’s report as printed in the newsletter. Anke Baker
seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Vicki Nightingale reminded everyone it is time to renew membership. Two May birthdays – Cindy
Shepard and Mandy Ralston, were awarded a fat quarter. Vicki is doing a photo directory and asked members
to get their picture taken tonight. She said members could also send her a photo, if preferred. She showed
samples of a directories, with four people per page and one person per page. The one person per page has
the advantage of being able to add new members in alphabetical order or removing members. The directory
could be printed and placed into a notebook. Members may also keep the directory digitally. Members
preferred multiple pictures on one page. Vicki will also have a one page spreadsheet of members and
Fabrics, notions and patterns from the guild storage unit are on tables tonight, for sale, to help Ways &
Mandy Ralston needs to fill the next quilt show board ask asked for people to please volunteer.
Traci Crumley has a paper to fill out with your preference for Community Service sew days.
Peggy plans to purchase replacement poles, next month, for the quilt show racks that were broken.
The Board is working on the budget. They will send it out to everyone and present it to members next
Beverly Martine brought up affiliating our guild with the Modern Quilt Guild, a national guild. Pros and
cons were discussed. Our guild name would have to be changed to reflect “Modern Quilt Guild”. For
example: Wichita Mountain Modern Quilt Guild. The cost of dues would increase to $40 per year, $20 of
which would be sent to the National Modern Quilt Guild. They have a fiscal year of January through
December. The national guild has resources available such as learning videos, etc. online. The decision was
tabled until the June meeting. Everyone can learn more at
The starting time for our guild meetings was discussed. Barbara Johnston moved to start meetings at
7pm for six months. The motion was approved.
Donna Klein announced that the Bee retreat held at Hobby Hill House will be 26-29 September 2024.
There is room for 15 and 8 have committed. Let her know if you would like to attend. Cost is $325 for
Thursday – Sunday or $285 for Friday – Sunday. Meals are provided.
Lenor Davis showed a block for Drag & Brag, made at the Sue Semler class, held at the Duncan guild.
The program was given by Beverly Martine on borders. She stated she would not be here in July and
asked if anyone was interested in doing the program in July.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:21pm.
LaDonna Meyer
Guild Secretary

Program for June
Disappearing Hourglass
By Vicki Nightingale

Treasurers Report
Wichita Mountains Quilt Guild Treasurer's Report 26 March - 26 April 2024
Opening Balance $15,093.39
Membership $275.00
Bank Interest $0.67
Total $275.67
Membership $5.74
Storage $69.00
Hospitality $41.13
Ending Balance $15,253.19
Submitted by Marilyn Sikes, Treasurer, 26 April 2024

Click on the GREEN Button to see and read the proposed budget. 
We will be voting on this at the next meeting…….

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Snacks for June 
  Kimberly Hartwell, Kathy Burnett and Peggy Coe
Thank you!
Anke Baker

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I am looking for baskets big enough to make raffle baskets 
It’s Time to join Wichita Mountain Quilt Guild for another year.
Membership applications will be available at the meeting, or the application can be
downloaded from Wichita Mountain Facebook page and brought to the meeting or mail
it to the address at the bottom of the form. Annual membership is May 1 – April 30.
Regular membership is $20.00, Senior members ages 65 and up $15 and Junior
members ages 12 – 17 is $10.00 per year.
I am making a photo directory for membership this year. Before the next meeting I will
email a sample directory for you to check to see if yours is correct. Many of these do not
have pictures. 
I have available a membership application form that can be filled out online and emailed to me or printed.
I will be at the meeting taking pictures of members for the directory or
you have the option of sending a headshot photo by texting or e-mail
See you at the meeting,

Click on the link above to download a projected schedule for programs for the year. This should help in planning your time and inviting new quilters to join in on the fun! 

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Your Treasurer
Good thing I have given up on combing my hair.
Marilyn Sikes
Lawton, Oklahoma
How Long have you been quilting?
Since 1996 when my husband was being sent to Germany alone and I had to stay with 3 teenagers and I knew I needed something new to do so they would continue to live.
What is your favorite technique? 
String piecing
What is your favorite thing to do?
I love to sit by the ocean or a nice lake.
 I Love !!!!
I could live on cheese.

Guild Officers
President       Peggy Coe     
V President       Barbara Johnston
Secretary         LaDonna Myers
Treasurer         Marilyn Sikes
Programs      Beverly Martine
Hospitality       Anke Baker
Community Sew     Traci Crumley
TLC               Peggy Coe
Ways & Means     
 Anke Baker & Teresa Crabtree
Membership        Vicki Nightingale
Publicity         Kathy Hepner
Newsletter        Beverly Martine
Social Media & Web Site     
 Beverly Martine & Vicki Nightingale
Quilt Show 2026    Mandy Ralston
Please check your membership roster for contact information.

The Wichita Mountains Quilt Guild can be found on 
Mailing Address is 
PO BOX 7094
LAWTON, OK 73505-7094