read my journal
It feels hard to put my hands to this keyboard and type this email but yet I’m training my brain to have a better relationship with consistency and this is one of the few things that gets to fall on that list.
What is it about consistency that’s so hard for me you ask? I think it’s boredom. Or maybe predictability. Or better yet I think it’s both of those things with a splash of…
‘who’s even paying attention to what I’m doing and who made the rules of this game?’
For a while I felt like consistency was just a sneaky way to talk about productivity. I was like oh, I see what they’re doing here, they’re disguising 🥸 productivity as consistency and making it trendy and I’m not in for that! 
My relationship with productivity is…dicey. Because for a very long time productivity was my only measure of the age old question, ‘am I worthy enough?’
So when someone started marketing productivity as consistency I was like oh fuck no.
But now as I sit here, and really sit with what it means to be consistent, and my triggers around the word ‘productivity,’ I realize both terms aren’t so bad.
Consistency is a great way for me to remind myself I can do hard things. 
I can do something day after day and train my brain that even in the monotony, and boredom of life, I am capable of doing this one thing over and over again.
It's less important for the thing itself and more important for how it trains us to be.
I think of it as training to being a consistently good friend. Or consistently showing up for the people I love, (like taking these beautiful photos in the cold and windy spring weather in Colorado after probably our most difficult moments as a couple the night before, but look who showed up to the event!) And better yet, consistently showing up and not abandoning myself.
My most important life lesson over and over again! 😃
Consistency breeds safety and I’m about that.
We’ll talk about my relationship with productivity another time, but I’m coming around to repairing that relationship slowly.

In case you haven’t been around, hello, welcome to my little slice of the internet where I share a lot of things in my life from the spiritual to the very not spiritual, and just about everything in between all in relationship to emotions and why they’re my favorite topic under the sun.

this week in read my journal
My most popular blogs
Serotonin-inducing activities

the most popular blogs
Serotonin boosting activities
Timeless and goal-less, the formula when choosing serotonin activities to drop into your weeks.
Let’s take a moment to talk about why we need more serotonin-based activities in our lives.
You likely participate in a dozen plus! dopamine activities a day. The world is FULL of ways to get more dopamine. From the gym to scrolling social media and completing tasks on yor to do list. So much so that we actually have a difficult time producing it on our own so we turn to things external of ourselves to give us more dopamine.
Serotonin on the other hand is dopamine’s sister, another feel-good chemical that is a little less dominant in our current world because of the nature of it being timeless and goal-less.
How often do you give yourself the opportunity to lose track of time and not work toward an outcome?
I bet a lot less than you could.
You may want to pay attention to this brain chemical because it can impact things like mood, sleep, and digestion.
Here are a few serotonin activities that you can intentionally add into your weeks to off-set the over flux of dopamine:
  • Grab coffee, tea or snacks and catchup with a friend
  • Keep a journal of 3 things you’re grateful for each morning
  • Read a book
  • Do something creative with your hands
  • Go for a destination-less walk
  • Write a story
  • Do a puzzle, I know you’re thinking this is a goal but for most people it’s not one that’s important enough to let it take over
Give some of these a whirl and see notice how good it feels to have no purpose! jk jk but you know what I mean (;