Menstrual wellness FOR ALL
Menstrual health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, in relation to the menstrual cycle. 10 years ago a group of organizations that provide sanitary stations, bathrooms, and water across the globe, decided to highlight the lack of access to menstrual hygiene for people with a period. Soon they had to include the lack of access to menstrual care education and period products. Fast forward to today, thousands of organizations including my own, collectively celebrate May 28th as Menstrual Hygiene (health) Day, named for the average 28 day cycle, to honor the work and experiences of the global collective of people with a menstrual cycle. Honestly, I celebrate, honor, and raise awareness on menstrual equity EVERY DAY! There's not one day that passes where someone in the world is on their period. Half of the human population has a menstrual cycle. Yet, we're still taxed when we buy our period products, which are basic essentials. Yet we're still struggling with uterine and menstrual disorders like PCOS, fibroids, endometriosis, PMDD, PME, cysts, dysmenorrhea, and ovarian cancer. Yet, there is STILL NO MENSTRUAL LEAVE!
Yet, we're still silenced and shamed for our natural bodily processes, the very process that perpetuates humanity. That's crazy right?! 
So for that reason, I participate in honoring the causes, groups, and individuals that do their best to make life better for those with a menstrual cycle.  
Happy Menstrual Health Day!

I.   Respect  My Womb and  Yours.


State of the Uterus

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Menärchē is the wellness guide to transform your period. Our mission is to educate, inspire, and create a community focused on better cycle care.

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