The Health Up Newsletter
Created Bi-Weekly by Teri Yunus
Health Up With Teri Health & Wellness Coaching

June 13, 2024 | ISSUE 179
What's In This Issue…
  • Carrots!
  • Nutrition for Kids
  • Walking for Bone Health (and more!)

Cancer Prevention & Treatment?

Did you know that carrots, a tasty and healthy food that has been loved for ages, may also have cancer-preventing properties? According to studies, eating carrots frequently may reduce your risk of getting some cancers, such as colon and lung cancer. We’ll examine the studies on the potential advantages of carrots for cancer prevention in more detail in this post.
Carotenoids and the Prevention of Cancer
Dietary carotenoids, a group of naturally occurring pigments present in fruits and vegetables, are abundant in carrots. Because carotenoids have antioxidant qualities, they can assist the body in scavenging dangerous free radicals. Free radicals are a class of chemicals that can harm cells and aid in the growth of cancer. Carotenoids can reduce free radicals and so help prevent cancer.
Lung Cancer and Beta-Carotene
Beta-carotene is one of the most well-known carotenoids present in carrots. According to studies, beta-carotene may lower the incidence of lung cancer, especially in smokers. For instance, a study done in the early 2000s indicated that compared to people who ate carrots more than once a week, current smokers who did not consume carrots had a three times higher chance of acquiring lung cancer.
Colon cancer and beta-carotene
According to a different study, colon cancer incidence in a Japanese population was found to be negatively correlated with the consumption of beta-carotene. Therefore, those who consumed more beta-carotene had a lower risk of developing colon cancer.
Extract from carrot juice and leukemia
In a 2011 study, scientists discovered that a carrot juice extract might kill leukemia cells and stop their growth. The authors of the study hypothesized that the chemicals in carrot juice may be useful in treating cancer naturally.
Different Ingredients in Carrots
Carrots have additional substances in addition to beta-carotene that may be anti-cancer. For instance, it has been demonstrated that natural substances found in vegetables of the carrot family, such as polyacetylenes, can help reduce inflammation and inhibit the development of cancer in mice. Falcarinol, an anti-cancer substance found in carrots, has been demonstrated to shrink tumors in rats by 30%.
Prostate Cancer
Beta-carotene-rich diets may act as a preventative measure for men with prostate cancer, according to research.
It’s important to remember that there is insufficient proof regarding carrots’ impact on cancer in people, and no food can completely eradicate the disease. To support general health and well being, a varied and healthy diet is advised. Testimonials about healing are not scientific proof but the information certainly is of interest to those of us concerned about cancer. 
Carrots, along with about 120 other fruits and vegetables provide a significant contribution to cancer prevention, cancer recurrence prevention, and support during and after treatment. The main focus of BeatCancer.Org is to assist the body’s built-in defenses against cancer by strengthening immune response, balancing body chemistry, and improving the biological landscape. This is one of the reasons I chose to become a certified Holistic Cancer Coach through this organization. Our bodies are designed to heal…providing the tools (the food and more) leads to the best health.
The bottom line, carrots are a tasty and healthy food that has been loved for a long time. However, current research has indicated that they may also be able to combat cancer. Including carrots in your diet can help lower your risk of developing cancer and enhance your overall health and well-being. Want to know more about carrots and their healing power? Check out “Curing Cancer with Carrots” by Ann Cameron. Many years ago, the author healed her own stage 4 colon cancer without chemo or radiation…by drinking carrot juice. Check it out.

Good to know
Nutrition for kids
Children form habits early

The Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) publishes a pamphlet on nutrition for kids. It provides a dietary approach for lifelong health. Good health begins very early…even before we are born, the habits of our mothers and grandmothers play a role in the health outcomes of our children and grandchildren. Lifelong habits start very early in life. Starting our children off from day one gives them the best opportunity for lifelong habits and good health. 
Children eat the food that is provided to them. When we give children fresh fruits, vegetables, beans and legumes, whole grains and nuts and seeds, we are teaching them to choose these foods when offered. Children, like all of us, love the food the eat regularly. Provide a child with a plant diverse diet and that is what they will choose later in life. 
Sadly, the same is true of less healthy choices. When children are given fast food, highly processed foods and junk food, these foods become their preference. This makes offering healthy choices very difficult. When children refuse to eat healthier choices, we worry that if they don't eat they will become ill. The truth is that continuing to allow them to choose only the least healthy foods leads to illness and shorter lifespan. 
Here are some tips from PCRM for making the switch to healthier eating for your family:
  • Identify three or four vegetarian dishes your family already enjoys…pasta with marinara, bean burritos, veggie stir-fry, vegetable soups. Next, consider three or four family favs that could be altered to boost their health quotient. Could be chili with beans, sloppy joes made with lentils, tacos made with black beans.
  • Experiment and broaden food options…explore new recipes that include whole foods your family already enjoys and try new foods as a fun experiment. Make it fun and involve the kids in choosing a new food from the produce section. Create a game of choosing a vegetable or fruit from a different color scheme each week.
  • Choose low-fat, healthful options whenever possible. Choosing oven-roasted potatoes over french fries, or pasta with marinara sauce with mushrooms over spaghetti with meatballs or fruit sorbet over ice cream. There are options outside what we typically choose. Expand your family's palette by considering ways to ‘health up’ a meal.
  • Avoid foods and beverages with added sugars, fats, and salt. These include candy, soda, fruit punch, cookies, and fried snack foods. Instead of building your meals around meat and cheese, meals should be created with whole grains, legumes (such as beans and peas), fruits,  and vegetables. When choosing packaged foods, read the ingredient list and choose lower sodium options with less ingredients that you don't recognize.
  • Lead by example. Trying new foods and moving toward healthier eating sets an example for our little ones. They want to be like mom and dad. When parents are choosing and offering healthier choices, the entire family benefits.
Interested in learning more about healthy nutrition for your kids? I have several of these pamphlets and I would be happy to provide you a copy. Once you read it, leave it out where your kids might see it. They just might be interested in healthier eating, too. Kids are very smart. They often want to be healthy. They see illness around them and food is an excellent strategy for a long, healthy, active life. 

Walking for Bone Health
That benefits your entire body and mind!

Maintaining bone health becomes more important as we age. When we are young, we take it for granted…our skeletons do just about anything we ask of them. Some of that changes as we get older, especially if we are not paying attention. Osteoporosis is known as the ‘silent disease’ as diagnosis typically occurs AFTER a fracture. Statistically, women older than 60 years old have a lifetime risk of a bone fracture of 44% (25% for men), and for those with osteoporosis, this risk goes up to 65% (42% for men). Remember that weak bones is only one risk factor, and other risk factors contribute to a fall that results in a fracture. Factors that increase risk of bone fractures include:
  • Low fitness level and strength
  • Poor balance
  • Taking medications which cause lightheadedness, dizziness, or sedation
  • Taking medications, such as steroids, which cause weaker bones
  • Alcohol use
  • Tobacco use
  • Low intake of calcium, potassium, vitamin D, vitamin K, vegetable protein, and other phytochemicals found in plant foods which leads to weaker bones
  • Excessive intake of animal protein, caffeine, salt, and soda, which all weaken bones from calcium loss in the urine
The best strategy for prevention and management if you’ve already been diagnosed is a combination of healthy eating and exercising to keep our muscles and bones strong. Foods that promote bone health include dark, green leafy vegetables, soy beans (organic), sesame seeds, broccoli, figs, dried apricots, dates, oranges & tangerines and oats. Some supplements can be helpful but the best way to get required nutrients like calcium is through your food. We know that high-dose calcium supplementation offers potential negative consequences for cardiovascular health.
Exercise including those to strengthen our back and hips are a priority for bone health. Hopping, jumping, dancing along with lunges and squats are good for our bones (if we can do these movements). Walking is an overall exercise for our entire body. What is important to know is the just walking may not be enough to keep our bones healthy. Wearing a weighted vest or strapping on ankle or wrist weights helps strengthen our bones and can reduce our risk for falling.
Weighted vests can take your exercise or your walking regime to the next level. These vests are gaining popularity for those wanting to get the most out of their workout. Weight of these vests vary but typically range from 12 to 150 lbs. When just starting, it’s wise to start with a lower weight and progress upward as it begins to feel ‘easy’. Even if you’re not a walker, you can benefit from using a weighted vest for a few hours each day. The vest can be worn while doing housework or yardwork or anytime you are moving around your home or workplace. Studies suggest that weight loading helps the body metabolize fat more efficiently and wearing a vest during exercise burns more calories and builds endurance.
There are different styles available with a variety of weights. When choosing a weight vest, consider comfort (it should be snug enough, so it doesn’t bounce when you walk) and whether weights are adjustable. Some vests offer a fixed amount of load, others have slots for small weights to be added or removed.  Breathability will be important if you are walking when it’s warm or hot. Bottom line is that adding a weighted vest or strap-on weights can make your movement more challenging. Start small and work your way up…lower weights and just a couple times a week to start. As you build your use and weights, you may notice that it gets easier as you get stronger. That’s a good thing!

Move Yo'Self
Weight-Loss Walk (that's good for all of us!)

If you missed the article above…check it out! Walking is one of the best activities we can do for our bodies and our health. This one is quick and can be done without leaving the house. There goes bad weather as an excuse :)

Oil-Free Hummus
This hummus is only flavored with lemon juice, garlic and optional salt. I like to sprinkle a little paprika on top as well but it’s optional.
Oil-Free Hummus
  • 1 15 oz can of chickpeas (or 2 cups of cooked chickpeas), reserve the liquid
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 1 lemon, or 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 1/4 to 1/2 cup of chickpea liquid (aquafaba)
  • salt to taste, optional
  • paprika for garnish, optional
  1. Pour your chickpeas into your blender or food processor. Save the liquid to use soon.
  2. Add your garlic and lemon juice. If your lemon isn’t juicy enough for 1/4 cup of lemon juice, you may want to add another lemon or some lemon zest to give it more flavor.
  3. Add 1/4 cup of the chickpea liquid, this is also known as aquafaba (this is the liquid from the canned chickpeas) and some people whip it like eggs to make vegan meringues and other interesting dishes.
  4. Add optional salt if using.
  5. Blend or process until your hummus is creamy and smooth. If it’s not smooth enough, add another 1/4 cup of chickpea liquid and blend again.
  6. Pour into a bowl and garnish if desired. Enjoy with veggies, on sandwiches or any other thing you think of.
I love hummus. I often use it as a salad dressing or a sandwich spread. It’s so versatile and filling. Plus, this recipe is lower in fat with no oil or tahini so you don’t have to worry about over eating it. It’s like having a serving of beans with your veggies.
Note: You can add some nutritional yeast (1-2 tablespoons) for a yummy alternative. You can shred leafy greens and add, as well, for a nutritional boost. Or use your favorite spice! Double the recipe to have plenty on hand!

did you know
When a human blushes, the lining of the stomach turns red, too. 

Food for Thought
I am adding a new feature that I think will be interesting for you all. Dr. Michael Greger released his “How Not to Age” book recently and it is jam-packed (like all of his books!) with facts that can help us to slow the aging process and feel great until our last breath. For the next several weeks, I will share little tidbits that I am reading. I strongly encourage all my readers to look for Dr. Greger's books. They are based on scientific evidence and worth their weight in gold (in my humble opinion). :)
Excerpt from “Preserving Your Brain”:
Brain Supplements
Over the last twenty years, Big Pharma has invested more than half a trillion dollars into dementia treatment research, so far to little avail. In light of this, many have turned to supplements. An AARP-commissioned survey found that 36% of people 74 years and older take a supplement for brain health, to the tune of billions of dollars a year. The most commonly marketed brain supplement is on I'd never heard of before (a consequence, I guess, of never having owned a television): Prevagen. 
Prevagen contains a protein derived from a luminescent jellyfish that the company claims has been “clinically shown to improve memory”, but even its own study failed to show significant improvements in any of the nine measured cognitive tasks that were given, leading to  AARP to accuse the company of "deceiving millions of aging Americans. Prevagen may be more than just a waste of money, as the manufacturer was cited for failing to report more than a thousand adverse events relayed by consumers to the FDA. More on this shameful story in
Interested in more on Alzheimer's…check out this video:
Catch my Health Tip Tuesday video on Facebook on Tuesdays to hear my health tip for the week!
Share with your friends and family. Sharing and commenting along with liking or loving <3 increases the exposure so more people can become aware of the value of healthful living.

“It's not enough to do our best, sometimes we need to do what's required. ”
--Winston Churcill 


what small step will you take this week?
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Lots of love from Teri