Hi First name / friend
Layoffs have been brutal the past year. But I really do believe that when one door closes another opens.
There are so many different possibilities available to us. A layoff can prove to be a powerful pivot moment. To help you realign to a job that is an even better fit than the one before. 
In 2019, I was laid off from a job that honestly wasn't the right fit. I didn't have the right intentions when job searching. I was stressed and just wanted a job to not have a gap in my resume. So I got something that reflected that energy. A job that wasn't aligned to my values and one that didn't paid me enough. 
When I got laid off, I took some time to refocus. By that point, I had started Woo Woo Company. I decided to dive into researching all things spiritual and holistic health while applying to jobs. 
I felt so energized looking into Reiki, astrology, and Human Design. I spent one whole day just mapping out my astrology. I felt so lucky that I got to spend my time exploring these new topics. 
A few months later, I was talking to a founder of a marketing agency. I applied for a marketing role but he came back to me and asked if I wanted to be Chief of Staff. It seemed very interesting and I said I would think about it. 
I'll always remember, what he asked me during one of the interviews, “What can I do so that you won't be bored in six months?”
He had hired a few entrepreneurs in the past and knew the entrepreneur profile well. A corporate job can get boring and those with an entrepreneurial personality will leave to start something new. 
I could not give him an answer. 
During this time, I also broke up with my boyfriend. My business partner also decided to leave the business (we're still friends). I decided to restart events for Woo Woo Company after taking a break.
The summer of 2019 in Washington, D.C. was when I validated my hypothesis. People were hungry for spiritual events with a practical approach. There was a curiosity about the unknown and how to connect with intuition. 
And here I am, almost six years later and now in LA. I have shifted into astrology, helping people navigate career changes and share guidance on their businesses. I am embarking on starting a tech business based on what I've created with my free career astrology website SATURN. There are challenges but I feel like this is my path. (I no longer feel like quitting out of fear!!! Which was for many years.)
So if you're in month 11 or year two of looking for something new, know that the right thing is looking for you too. 
Go to the places where you are wanted. 
Follow the breadcrumbs of your intuition. 
Take a leap of faith. 
Let your layoff be the portal that takes you to a new version of yourself. 
One thing that I have been told many times is when you make a wish or set an intention, tell this Universe this or something better. 
I hope this story helps you on your journey. Forward it to a friend who just got laid off! 
For those who are job searching or in financial need, please reply to this message and I'll share a discount on the expanded career astrology report! It's 15+ pages of personalized insights to help you wherever you are in your career journey.
As a thank you for subscribing to my newsletter, reply to this email about the job you want, a wish you want to make, what you enjoy about my work, or something else you want to share. 
I'll choose a random winner on Friday, May 31 to gift a mini Career Astrology Reading to!! (Yay!)