God's Way is Often a Foreign Concept to the World
Have you ever been called to do something that just didn't make sense by the world's standards?
I speak openly about my struggle with an addiction to my phone.   How many times have I thought I'll just take a quick peek and literally HOURS later, with numb arms and an aching backside, find myself still scrolling.   How much life have I missed in those hours?
I'm gonna just say it…SOCIAL MEDIA IS OF THE DEVIL.  I am sure I will get some pushback on the reasons why it can be used for good and I do see many of those arguments as valid because the teaching video I posted below is from my public Facebook page.  But, even too much of a good thing can make it a bad thing.  The obsession the world has with that “smart” device in their hands is destroying us.  It is separating our families, robbing our children of communication and interpersonal skills, often serves as a babysitter for littles as soon as their eyes can focus and it gives us a false sense of protection.
I HATE IT!  And, I don't use that word for too many things but I do hate the time it has stolen from my life.  I hate that my children, have an addiction, or at the very least extremely dependent on it.  I hate that no one looks up and into each other's eyes anymore.  I hate that we are so lonely in this “connected” world.  I am so grateful He promises to restore the years the locust have eaten. (Joel 2:25)
Facebook has a limit of 5,000 friends on a personal profile page and I was around 4,800ish just a few weeks ago. My business goal has always been to grow my social media following as much as I could. I wore those numbers as a badge of accomplishment. In this misguided world, it is a sign of authority, influence, and success.
I am certain I will get suggestions from good intentioned people after they read this email on how I can break the addiction.  Believe me, I have tried it all.  At this point, I need drastic change…
I have been hearing the Lord ask me to trust Him - to trust that HE IS BIGGER THAN SOCIAL MEDIA and it has created a BIG SHIFT in me!!  I have been working backwards, according to the world, and the many people who have kindly advised me against doing this. I am changing  my personal Facebook profile of nearly 5,000 “friends” to family (and lifelong family friends) only in order to help put a stop to the lure of the endless scroll!
I will keep my public Facebook profile and my amazing Women in Business group because I DO WANT TO STAY CONNECTED but I want it to be in a way that is HEALTHY FOR ME and those I love! 
I know the Lord is calling me to MAKE ROOM for Him to move in my life in a BIG WAY.  The world's way is rarely God's way. But, I know He wants to be my “fix” instead of the dopamine hit of a like, comment or follow on social media. 
It's a super hard addiction to break and it keeps wanting to pull me back in but each day, my goal is to keep moving in His direction and trusting that He will put me in front of the right audiences, He will open the doors that need to be opened because He is bigger than social media. Nothing should ever take priority over obedience to Him.  
If you struggle with this same issue, I hope this inspires you to get serious about setting some FIRM BOUNDARIES and take the needed steps to get your life back.  TRUST THAT HE IS BIGGER!
Lori's Events - Will you join me?
Would you be interested in a monthly VIRTUAL event of faith based encouragement for women?  If yes, please let me know!
You are receiving this because, at some point in time, our paths crossed either in person or online.  It could have been through church, our kids, one of my businesses, or at an event.  However it was, I promise this is not meant to be spam.  If you don't want to hang around or hear from me anymore, that's totally ok BUT if you unsubscribe, you will no longer receive any email communication from Lori Gasca including info on The Growth Summit or other events.