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We have volunteer opportunities and exciting events to share with you. Keep scrolling to learn about upcoming ASCP events and happenings on campus.

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Environmental sustainability is a core component of the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals that aim to achieve a more sustainable future. The EPA identifies that efforts to achieve a more sustainable future should be taken at both organizational and individual levels. The goal with sustainability is to preserve and prevent the overuse of already scarce natural resources.
Broad examples of sustainability include conscious consumerism recycling, composting, and energy efficiency to name a few. It is important for us as responsible stewards to be mindful of what we take from and put into the environment that supports our existence. On a broad level, adopting environmentally sustainable practices can help lower costs by reducing the inputs needed for production.
Conscious consumption entails being mindful of the impact the products we consume have on the environment. One can start by learning about the sustainability commitment of companies they make the most purchases from. Additionally, finding green lodging, buying quality products and shopping secondhand are habits one can adopt to reduce their ecological footprint.
As a conscious consumer, we urge you to recycle instead of tossing recyclable products into the trash. Products that can be recycled include common items like paper, glass, plastics, aluminum that can be put into your curbside recycling bin while other products like batteries and electronics have specific locations that accept them. 
Nature recycles too! Simply put, composting is nature's way of recycling to build healthier soil for plant growth, conserve water and prevent soil erosion. You can start small by composting at home through backyard composting or vermicomposting instead of throwing your food scraps or yard waste into the trash. 
 Adopting an energy efficient lifestyle can be one of the fastest and affordable ways to reduce the overuse of fossil fuels. As we approach spring and summer, simple changes like allowing natural light to enter your homes and opening windows to cross ventilate can help conserve energy. Additionally, using ENERGY STAR certified products can help one be more energy efficient. 
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The annual Watershed Summit will be held at Denver Botanic Gardens, York Street on June 21 from 1PM-5PM. There are two add-on events in the morning that people can choose from, and a happy hour with a live band afterward. Students can register for free by emailing Nona Shipman at 
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The free store is closed for the Summer but will still be accepting donations. Donation bins are locate outside the ASCP office, TIV 346.

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Interested in how we all help to reduce Auraria's ecological impact and dependence on fossil fuels? Check out our team page!