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Leadership lessons from the greatest leader of all time!
As we celebrate His birthday this Christmas.
by: TLS Founder Tim Webb
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     Each year we tend to look for new ways to approach Christmas, looking for some insight that will break through the mundane or grind that many leaders face within their routines. We often find ourselves needing fresh wind in our sails, renewed hope. I’ve found great encouragement as I simply took the time to reflect on the leadership of Christ and how I might be able to model His outlook on life. Especially since the scripture says that He is the One who is the source of all life!
This is what I was reminded of:
1. Great leaders first learn how to be great followers.
  • In Matthew’s gospel, Jesus tells His disciples and the crowd who were following Him, “Do not be called leaders, for One is your Leader, that is, Christ. But the greatest among you shall be your servant. Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.”
  • In the context, Jesus is not calling for the removal of all leaders. He is however confronting the religious leaders who have exalted themselves, and refused to show others how to enter into the kingdom of God. They themselves would refuse to enter. The Messiah was literally in their presence and able to deliver them from their sin and bring them into His kingdom. Their response was one of rejection. Jesus Christ is the head of the church and we are to follow Him. This is not just a call to biblical morality. It is a call to follow His example of leadership and how He followed His Father’s will while here on earth. And yes, it cost Him His life. He would go on to tell His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?”
  • Peter would later remind the Jewish believers who had been scattered abroad, “…But if when you do what is right and suffer for it you patiently endure it, this finds favor with God. For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps…”
2. Jesus’ leadership was a way of life.
  • Jesus humbled himself and became a servant.
  • Jesus placed obedience to the Father as his number one objective.
  • Jesus served his brothers.
  • Jesus died for his brothers so that he could bring many to the Father.
  • Jesus suffered and was then exalted by the Father.
  • See the pattern? He served, suffered, and then was exalted after his resurrection!
3. Great Christian leaders have already learned how to be great followers. A person with authority is also a person who is under authority.
  • Evaluate what it will take to follow.
  • Adjust your priorities.
  • Arrange your calendar to open the opportunity.
  • Sacrifice selfish desires that will sabotage your goals.
  • Start following by walking with your leader.
     Jesus was born to die. However, that would not be the end of the story. Three days later he would be resurrected! Jesus was so focused on his goal. He would die for the sins of the world! He was willing to serve, suffer, and then he would be exalted. We too, scripture says, are to serve, suffer and then after the resurrection be exalted. Our serving should be on leading others to Christ. 
     Everyday leaders are those who serve within their marriage, their families, their church, and yes in their communities. Christian leaders will experience suffering as they serve because the world we live in hates Jesus. But we are on the path of life.  
     Wouldn’t it be great if this Christmas, we experience a rewed joy that comes from leading others with a lifestyle leadership that reflects the One and only leader worthy of following? If you have chosen to trust Christ as your Savior, then you have already identified the greatest leader of all time. Great Christian leaders, know those who have the authority to lead are already under a greater authority, Jesus the Christ. Remember, failed leadership costs lives, great leadership saves lives!

For the leader on your gift list…
1.) The Way to the Shepard: Seven Secrets to Managing Productive People by Kevin Leman and William Pentak
2.) 21 Laws of Leadership in the Bible by John C Maxwell 
3.) Confronting Compromise by Joe Champion
4.) Lead Like Jesus Revisited:  Lessons From the Greatest Leadership Role Model of All Time by Ken Blanchard, Phil Hodges & Phyllis Henry
5.) Step Up!: How To Advocate Like A Woman by Ellen Troxclair 
The information contained in the suggested books represents the views and options of the original creator of such content and may not always represent the views or opinions of TLS, its board or financial supporters.  Reader should use their own discretion & discernment.
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     Thank you to everyone who gave to our “Giving Tuesday” campaign. Your generosity goes a long way!  Both monetarily supporting our endeavors but also in lifting our spirits!  If you missed giving to our “Giving Tuesday” campaign it isn't too late to give.  Giving Tuesday merely kicked off our “End of the Year” giving campaign.  Would you join us in our efforts by donating today? There is also the possibily that your generous contributions can ease your 2023 tax liability. 

     How can giving save you come tax season? Here are some opportunities to consider for your end-of-year giving (check with your licensed CPA to see if any of these options would benefit your 2023 tax liability):
  • Donate Appreciated Stocks or Properties: These can include rental properties, vacation homes/condos, or stocks in your portfolio. If you've held them for more than a year, you may avoid capital gains tax and contribute even more with your donation rather than donating the proceeds from the sale of the assets.
  • Make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from Your IRA: You can give up to $100,000 if you're 70½ or older without increasing your taxable income. There are tax advantages to making a QCD from a traditional IRA account. If you are 73 or older, it can even count toward your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD).
  • Give from your Donor Advised Fund (DAF): It's the perfect time to distribute grants from your DAF to Texas Leadership Summit! Leveraging these funds allows you to give without utilizing external capital. You can experience the joy of giving today by helping us bring Christian leaders together to help impact our world for the glory of Christ!
  • Donation in their Name: Don't know what to give that person on your list who has everything?  Make a donation in their name to Texas Leadership Summit.  We even have digital gift cards you can fill out and email or print and give to your loved one.
  • In lieu of Christmas Cards:  Haven't had a chance to get those Christmas Cards designed and mailed out yet!  We have you covered.  Give a donation in lieu of Christmas Cards this year.  Send a text or post on facebook the graphic postcard we created showing you supported TLS this year instead of sending Christmas Cards.  I just got a text yesterday from a friend in Nashville who did this very thing for a charity she supports.  It's the new hip thing to do this year!
  • Texas Leadership Summit is a national Non-Profit (EIN #88-1388335) & we have earned our Seal of Transparency from Candid & GuideStar. 
     Building up Christian Leadership alongside you is our greatest joy. Have additional questions about giving towards Texas Leadership Summit this year? Kindly reply to this email. 

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Thank you for your support! Your donations allow us to continue to empower everyday leaders with courage, tools & hope to ignite a revival of Christian leadership.
We are blessed to have your support, as we work to bring Christian leaders together to help impact our world for the glory of Christ!
Reviving leadership where leadership began,
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