Veggie Spotlight: Zucchini

Welcome to the Veggie Spotlight where we feature a new veggie each newsletter to inspire you to try something new. This week is all about Zucchini! If you have more questions about Zucchini after this article, feel free to hit reply or DM me on Instagram.
Did you know… 
You can eat zucchini RAW? This may be obvious for some, but I most often see zucchini cooked and it can be just as delicious raw. try using like you would carrots or cucumber or add into salads.
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Zucchini is hit or miss for me...It is a vegetable that is often overcooked and it can become very mushy and watery very quickly. Whenever I cook Zucchini I prefer to cook it very quickly so it retains its firm texture.

My favorite ways to use Zucchini… 
Sliced in half lengthwise then cross scored and seasoned with a bit of salt and pepper or favorite seasoning blend. Sear in a hot pan open side down until golden brown or slightly charred. The trick is to only cook on one side so the zucchini still remains firm.
Sliced or diced as a raw snack with a dipping sauce or in a salad.
Diced and quickly sauteed in a pan with your favorite seasonings. I enjoy lemon, salt, pepper, garlic, and a bit of olive oil.
The Zucchini Facts…
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What is a zucchini ?
Zucchini is a summer squash part of the Cucurbitaceae family along with other types of squash, cucumber, and watermelon. It is typically a dark green long skinny shaped squash.
What do they taste like?
Zucchini is a very mild squash that does not have much flavor on its own. The texture is very tender and slightly crisp when raw and becomes softer when cooked. Overcooking has a risk of this squash becoming too mushy and watery so be careful not to overcook zucchini. With its subtle flavor, it has the ability to take on many flavors or used in a flavorful dish for added nutrients. I have even seen some start using frozen zucchini in smoothies for added nutrients with minimal flavor alterations. If you have tried this please let me know I am so curious and will have to try myself.
What to look for when buying?
Zucchini is best when it is small to medium sized with a firm even skin. Overly large zucchini tend to be more fibrous. Avoid zucchini with harsh blemishes or soft spots.  Some scratches here and there are fine.
How to best prepare zucchini?
Zucchini can be prepared raw or cooked. Once at home, rinse the outside of the zucchini with cold water. Zucchini can be used raw as a snack or dip, or added into salads or bowls. There are multiple ways to cook zucchini, some of my favorites are grilling/searing halves cut lengthwise, sautéing in succotash, air fried zucchini fries, roasted in an oven at a high temperature.
How to best store at home?
I like to store my zucchini in the fridge preferably the crisper drawer and will last for about a week. I opt for using more fresh zucchini in raw applications and using slightly older zucchini for cooking. Freezing zucchini is also an option for longer storage options, but keep in mind this will alter the texture and bring out more of the softer side once frozen and thawed. Frozen zucchini is best used cooked or blended into soups. 
What is the best season?
Typically the best zucchini is grown in the summer from June - August although harvests can happen as early as spring and last well into the fall depending on your climate.
Nutritional Benefits
Zucchini is low in calories and high in nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, folate, and fiber making it a great veggie to add to meals for added nutrients.

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The Wholesome Home Cook

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Disclaimer: I am not a dietician or doctor and this is not medical advice. Please seek a Registered Dietitian or doctor for specific health care and medical advice.