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June Prompt 1
Duality is the quality or state of having two different or opposite parts or elements. What led me to this prompt was thinking about how it's Gemini season and that sign is represented by the twins, Castor and Pollux. It got me thinking about duos and the idea of opposites and pairs--how can we express the differences or similarities between two very different things? How can we combine them or complement them? Here are a few ideas to get you started.

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  • Pick a pair: day and night, light and dark, wide and narrow, negative and positive, chaos and order, realism and abstract, mind and body, creation and destruction, cold and hot, dusk and dawn, winter and spring, bold and delicate.
  • Pick a pair part 2: materials (2 markers or paints, 2 pieces of scrap paper, randomly pick 2 tools, etc.), 2 objects for a still life, 2 colors, 2 shapes to work with.
  • Opposites: here are some visuals of opposites for inspiration.
  • Kate MccGwire On Discerning Duality, Connecting with Nature, and Making Art in the Belly of a Dutch Barge via Colassal
  • 2 hands / minds are better than one: Collaborate with a friend or family member--create art together by swapping sketchbooks every 5 minutes or so--here's an example (I've done this and it's so fun!), tear out a page in a magazine or catalog and add to it (using paper or any other materials), and print out an existing piece of art and use it on your sketchbook page. If you'd like to collaborate with me, reply to this email and let me know if you'd like a mark or a prompt!
  • Duality in dance: A piece from Explore Dance Company and a different perspective on how two people can collaborate.
Performance Art

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I chose this art movement because I felt it's quite the opposite from what we've been exploring so far--going from canvas to 3D, creator to participant. For this art movement, I wanted to share more details about the images shown above. I think there is a lot to be inspired by and concepts that we can translate into our sketchbooks.
  • Sound Suits by Nick Cave: “Costuming and physical visual alteration has been an integral part of performance art throughout its history. Nick Cave has taken this aspect to new heights through his sound suits, which stand alone as ingenious sculptural marvels or come to life through mass dance spectacle. Originally conceived to hide outward signifiers of race, class, gender, etc the suits and resulting performance undoubtedly call to mind ancient and modern rituals. Through the merging of fashion, textile art, dance, and large scale, conceptual exhibiting Nick Cave is able to showcase the very essence of versatility and multidisciplinary qualities that are native to the craft of performance.” via Artland Magazine
  • The Artist Is Present by Marina Abramović Learn more in this 2 minute video by the artist.
  • Snow Piece (Instruction Painting in Grapefruit) by Yoko Ono: “In an early but continued series, Ono creates small instructional performance pieces anyone could recreate at home almost to be read like sheet music. Ono explores an inviting and particularly light yet impactful participation that celebrates the small actions, and questions how much as artists and individuals we chose to give. Her wish trees show how activism, social inclusion, and cooperation go hand and have possibly had the largest reach and participation of any work today with millions of handwritten wishes being collected since 1996.” via Artland Magazine

I'm excited to see what opposites you are attracted to :)
Talk to you soon,
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