The Blueprint for a Better Life
Is Your Time Well Spent?
I want you to imagine two people, both ending their day in a completely different state of mind. The first person feels a little anxious and depressed, despite all of the things they accomplished during the day. This person handled all of their tasks and errands successfully for the day, but they still feel that nagging feeling like something is missing.
Because it is.
The second person ends their day confidently quiet, with a comforting sense of achievement for the day. Not only did they get everything done on their to-do list like the first person, but in addition, they carved out time for a brisk walk, finished a chapter of a book, and found peace in a few minutes of deep reflection time.
So, what’s the difference here?
About one hour. That’s it.
The point here is that the second person in this scenario has unlocked the secret to a fulfilling day with just three simple wins.
I’ve covered these before, but I’ll expand on them now.
First, is the physical win. For a daily physical win, the intensity and duration aren’t what matters. What matters is about moving your body with purpose. Whether it’s doing pushups, dancing, or a walk around the block, think of it as a way of celebrating your body with gratitude.
Take a second and think of all the people who physically cannot walk or dance or do pushups.
I’m not trying to make you feel guilty here, I’m just reminding you to be grateful if you are able bodied.
Second, there is the mental win. It’s a scientific fact that your brain craves nourishment just like our bodies do. This could come in the form of reading words on a page, writing something yourself, or just having a meaningful conversation with someone. Remember, engaging your intellect is just as important as engaging your muscles in the gym.
Finally, there is the spiritual win. This can mean a lot of things to different people, but the concepts are similar. While we often sideline this act, it’s important to connect with something greater than yourself. Whether it’s a moment of prayer, a quick meditative moment, or just immersing yourself in nature, taking this time for yourself can help align you with your purpose.
Remember, we’re not aiming for perfection here, we’re striving for progress. The blueprint for daily wins might be simple, but it’s profound, and sometimes difficult based on the life we’ve created for ourselves. It’s about making a commitment to yourself, every day, to nurture your body, challenge your mind, and honor your spirit. 
-three daily wins-
Physical: This one is pretty self-explanatory, but I want to take this opportunity to explain to you that this can come in many different forms. You don’t need to run out and join CrossFit, you just need to engage in physical activity. This could be a quick 10-minute yoga session, a jog, or anything else – the key is to move with a purpose.
What happens If you don’t? Well, for one, forget any weight loss goals you might have, but more importantly, the absence of physical activity is dangerous for the body and the mind. Being sedentary significantly increases your risk for developing heart issues, diabetes, and mental health issues like anxiety and depression.
Mental Win: Mental stimulation is necessary to not only protect against cognitive decline, but it also sharpens your intellect. You don’t have to be cracking codes for the government, your mind just needs to be challenged, whether it’s solving puzzles or creative writing, the mind simply needs to be active and engaged. While I’m not a fan of you sitting around playing video games all day, there are some apps that are designed to help cognitive abilities by solving riddles and complex puzzles.
Might be worth checking out sometime.
Spiritual Win: This is not specifically for one religion. When I talk about spiritual practices like meditation and prayer, the purpose is to help improve your mental health and try to foster a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you. Without spirituality, science has shown that it can lead to a sense of emptiness which is a main contributor to the decline of a person’s mental and physical health.
For those that are not people of faith, there is still power in self-reflection and mindfulness, even in a secular way. This is a big world, and it helps to stay in tune with it.

Small, consistent efforts 
are what lead to big wins!
As your mind starts thinking of what you can do to start winning daily, let’s not try to boil the ocean here. To achieve these wins, you don’t need to make monumental changes overnight. Small, consistent efforts are what lead to big wins. You know that. Whether it’s starting with a 10-minute walk, reading one page of a new book, or just spending a few minutes in quiet reflection, the key is to integrate these practices into your daily routine.
Before you tell me you’re too busy and there is no time, please go back and reflect on your time spent. It all about how you prioritize it.
I want you to reflect on the essence of what a daily win is. It’s not just checking off a box on your to-do list. These actions should bring you both purpose and joy, and when we prioritize these three wins, we can stop existing, and start thriving.
You know each day that life is waiting for you, ready to ruin your day. Why not prep yourself for it?
But you have to make the time! Life is richer when we make room for growth, but that’s the key…you have to make room for it! Life will fill your day with all kinds of shit that either annoys you or slows you down, so to combat that, you need to make time for yourself.
If you want to read more on that, check out some of my earlier posts on developing a bulletproof routine. That concept is relevant to all of us, regardless of our individual lifestyles.
But now it’s your turn to help out. A lot of you are winning every day. More than that, a lot of you have mastered ways to win despite the chaos of life surrounding you.
If that sounds like you, then I want to hear from you! We all do.

Share your winning story with the rest of us. 
How did you start? 
What did you have to overcome? Did your priorities change?
Be the guiding light of experience and knowledge so that together we can learn and grow, and most importantly…. find our own ways to win each and every day so that we can all live a life fulfilled.
I'll see you in the next one,
-Steven Williams

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