The Mended Rung Newsletter: Issue 2
The Serenity Prayer at Work to Create Change
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference
At this point in my career, I no longer want to fight every fight and go against every enemy. In fact, I've learned that fighting every fight has been one of the most unproductive things I have ever done.
There was a time when I needed to point out all the unjust acts to bring about change. I would call out unfairness and tell people when they were being unfair. Of course, when you call things out, people will often deny or deflect, and the needle will not move.
As I climbed my career ladder, I realized there are people and things I cannot change.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
Everyone talked about the reckoning that happened after George Floyd was murdered. We saw people shift their message, and, in some ways, discuss dealing with the treatment of black people and how white fragility played a role. But the truth is some people are not trying to reckon. They want things to stay the same, so their conscious bias will always take over no matter how many books or lectures you send them. So then what? What do you do to move the needle forward?
I will say something unpopular, but you have to let it go at some point. Speaking truth to power is only effective when it brings about change. Joining them in the mud distorts your message and gets you nowhere.
Courage to change the things I can
A great mentor told me that when I have people who are resolute in being the problem and not the solution, sometimes you have to work around them to get the change you want. Build relationships and embrace people in your professional network with the power and influence to make change. Assess your power and influence and use it for good.
Almost weekly, I assess who the partners, advocates, or allies are on this professional journey. Who will help me move the needle forward?
And wisdom to know the difference
When I am in the presence of influential people, I listen more than I talk because I want to know where they stand. I let them feel comfortable enough to be honest because regardless of how shocking the words come out of their mouths, I would rather know than sit in the dark. I assess and figure out if I leave them behind on this journey of change or bring them with me. 
This has been the most successful way to bring change.
Another Rung Mended
  1. Every battle is not worth fighting. Stop and listen with your mind and heart to see if the person is open to a different perspective.
  2. You have more power and influence than you think. Use it for good. Don't waste time complaining; use your influence to move the needle forward, even if it is just slightly.
  3. Be open to hearing people's truths, even if you disagree, or they don't align with your values. It's better to know than not to know.
The Climb's Bookshelf
Welcome to "The Climb's Bookshelf," where we curate essential reads for women of color who desire to be or are currently leaders. 
Navigating the complexities of life and career can feel like an uphill battle, but with the right resources at your fingertips, every ascent becomes more manageable. From memoirs that resonate with shared experiences to career guides tailored to your unique journey, each book selected for "The Climb's Bookshelf" is a stepping stone toward growth and fulfillment. Enjoy!
Ursula Burns' memoir: Where You Are Is Not Who You Are
This book is a bookshelf choice because it is not your typical story; Ursula Burns didn't come from a background that taught her all the rules of corporate America. Every day, she worked hard to climb her career ladder and garnered relationships with advocates, mentors, and sponsors that helped her thrive and develop into the first African American Female CEO of a Fortune 500 company, Xerox. What is most important about this book is that, in her journey to corporate leadership, she continued to stay grounded in the values instilled in her by her mother. 
Check the Stats
As you know, our community thrives on shared experiences, uplifting stories, and supporting one another in our journeys. That's why I'm excited to introduce you to a gem that perfectly aligns with our ethos – The Climb Podcast
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The Climb Podcast understands the workplace can present distinctive challenges for women of color, and our podcast is your dedicated guide to navigating this terrain. With each episode, we delve into the strategies, stories, and experiences that can propel you forward on your professional journey. Your success is our focus, and together, we’ll forge a path to leadership that is as unique and unstoppable as you are.
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  4. Enjoy Your Coffee: As a token of appreciation for your support, I'll personally treat you to a coffee! After sharing your review, send an picture of your review to and you'll receive a gift card or voucher from a popular coffee shop so you can enjoy a delicious brew on me.
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So, let's support The Climb Podcast by listening, reviewing, and spreading the word. Together, we can amplify these inspiring voices and enjoy some delightful coffee along the way.
Thank you for being such an amazing community. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on The Climb Podcast and treat you to that well-deserved coffee!
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Tune in on Wednesdays to uncover the secrets of success that have remained too long in the shadows. The Climb doesn’t shy away from tough conversations, and we’re excited to bring you a fresh episode each week, delivering the guidance and inspiration you need to ascend the corporate ladder. Don’t miss out on this valuable resource.
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