"Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage.  Truth and courage aren't always comfortable, but they're never weakness."
- Brene Brown
Welcome to Summer Solstice
It's Time to Open Up!
Solstice is a time of new beginnings: as the seasons change, we get to say goodbye to a long, stagnant period of self-reflection (winter to spring), and welcome the fiery energy of the sun to propel us forward (especially in Arizona summer). This very physical changing of the seasons is a powerful time to manifest spiritual transformations.
Personal story: Recently at a women's expo, I was playing on doubles straps (aerial good times), which I had not been able to do for a while. My friend came over and said "you're doing something that is throwing off your technique." Of course, my scaps and core were engaged, so it couldn't be that!  But, she noted that I was rounding in, despite having all of the other correct engagements.
I was protecting myself. And to be honest, from December to now has presented some challenging personal and performance issues. I had lost some of my confidence to open up, and was not making myself vulnerable or available to the audience.
But, here is the thing: We all fall. And fail. And go up, and down, especially with our recovery (ideally the graph still goes up, but it usually has a lot of little dips on the journey). 
In honor of that, here are 2 videos:
The first is serious Physical Therapy business, highlighting the Wall Angel exercise which forces you to "open up" and have amazing posture. Where you have to use your abs. And reminds you what you should be like when standing, even without a wall.
The second video is portraying me in a semi-vulnerable way, demonstrating not only my work-in-progress handstands (where I hang out with the random park people that I scare while I flail about!), but also my analogy of trusting your Physical Therapist.
At first, you're nervous to kick up. You're putting yourself in someone else's hands. Maybe small responses. Then going in, looking for the support, even if you miss at first. Finding where that support is, and trusting it to not let you fall over. 
And finally, working to continue on your own with your exercises, knowing that you will have fall over moments, but your PT is there to help you whenever you need.
The State of Healthcare - Season 3 
The next season of the State of Health Care Podcast is currently recording! This gives you the summertime to catch up on Seasons 1 & 2. In season 1, we talk about the Healthcare practitioner view of the system, while in season 2, we discuss the patient perspective of the healthcare system and negotiating various conditions. 
Summer travel is also upon us and if you haven't seen our previous videos on proper packing, suitcase manuvering, or roadtripping in the car, now is definitely the time to watch ALL videos and catch up (for an injury free summer and enjoyable vacations!).
Follow us on all of the socials to see these (and look for some of the teasers for Season 3 Podcast's theme).
Merch Madness: 
Booty Work is Important.  And if you would like this reflected on a sticker, we have them for $1!  Just a daily reminder to engage the right things! Check out the Merch we have available for sale below!
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STay Cool and move well this summer!

549 W. Duke Dr.
Tempe, AZ 85283, USA