Hi First name / friend!
It's officially summer! And in the Upper Midwest, summer can feel far too short. We have to make the most of great weather when we can. And, lately that means squeezing in outdoor fun between rainstorms.
Growing up, one of my summer highlights was heading to the library and picking out a big stack of books. I lived outside of town and I loved being able to have a good book to read sitting under a shady tree or inside on a rainy day.
When my kids were younger, I recall lamenting that I didn't have time to read. But, somewhere along the way I realized that this thought wasn't serving me. The truth was that even if I didn't have large expanses of time to dedicate to reading a book uninterrupted, I did have time to fit in a few minutes here and there.
Once I decided to make it a priority to do something I enjoy, it just meant figuring out how to make it work for me. While I still like to read actual physical books, I also mix in some on my tablet/phone as well as audiobooks that I can listen to while walking/cleaning/doing laundry.
Have you read any great books lately? I would love your recommendations! Just reply to this email and let me know what's on your nightstand or find me on social media to check in there. You'll spot my “to be read” pile and in-progress books over on
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Here are some of my recent reads: (Click the book title for more info)
Whatever your picture of summer fun includes, I'm wishing you time and space to savor it!