It is deeply tempting to treat our spiritual growth as a project - read a book, make a plan, do the work, get the growth! But you are a human being, not a human doing, and human growth doesn't often take such a straightforward path.
Consider: a tree does not grow by making a multi-step plan, jamming its roots into the ground, controlling the weather for ideal conditions, or squeezing its core so tightly fruit pops out. Growth happens when a tree has the opportunity to take root in nutrient dense soil, absorb adequate water and sun light, and is given time to bear fruit in due course.
Like a tree, humans bear fruit by partaking of the things that feed our souls - putting down community roots, taking in spiritual nutrients, receiving the teaching and gifts of others, and allowing time for the Lord to work in us to bring about his fruit. If you want to grow, assess your environment - where are you nutrient deficient? How's your root system? You cannot bear fruit apart from the work of the Spirit in your life so seek to be more with the Lord over doing more for the Lord. He’ll call you to do in his own time.