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I've had enough of white, older, straight male Presidential candidates squabbling over golf for 56 seconds and childcare for just 22. 
A better (non-oppressive, non-planet-ruining) future depends on having WAY more kinds of voices on stages, in public discourse, in policy-making rooms, in the Opinion pages, in Board rooms. (See poem below, ā€œI want a president who is a dykeā€¦ā€)

My mission is to elevate the rest of the voices that will save this aching world - with our fresh, savvy, creative, long-overlooked, queer, untapped, outsider ideas, energies + perspectives.
I am more committed than ever to supporting all of you working to reshape old-fashioned industries, policies, social scenes, and narratives.
But: rarely does anyone make a significant impact without a) a trusted reputation and b) a pretty solid reach.
So, to support you in getting the reach + respect your ideas deserveā€¦ 
I am offering a different (free) workshop each month from now through Oct. 
In guiding over 200 individuals to become "future thought leaders," I've observed firsthand that you can quickly boost your reach, respect, + momentum by doing even one of the following:
1. Getting known in your industry
2. Becoming an expert for the media
3. Wooing clients who respect you
4. Taking a stand on LinkedIn
My four upcoming (free) workshops will cover those themes; learn more + register below.
Let's get you what you need to get known + challenge the status quo from your new vantage point.
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ā€” ā€œI Want A Dyke For Presidentā€ (1992) by Zoe Leonard, artist, activist

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I curated this for us in 2020, but here we are againā€¦ [insert alarm bells sounding]
When I rant + rave about bias, every word is backed up by research. Cheers.
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If you want to know what I really think about how corporate inclusion works (and doesn't): 
So many of you loved my recent email giving you permission to leave IG/social media. If you're staying, here's a little roadmap to calm the nerves + focus your efforts:
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The first few questions most people have about tax/moneyā€¦ when they start a side gig, coaching biz, small biz:
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Get Femily's help:
Just reply to this note and let's talk about what you need. :) 
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want more reach + respect ?
I've got you. 
xoxo, FEMILY
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5 California Street
San Francisco, CA 94111, United States