Feeling Good, Like I Should
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and it feels like freedom
In 2017, BJ and I did our first Whole30. We’d never even considered doing an elimination diet before because of my history with food (another story for another time), but man, we fell in love. Since 2017, we have done a Whole30 almost every year, with our very favorite cadence being three times annually. We do our first round in January when the kids go back to school and then go as long as possible after the 30 days… Typically, we make it to Valentines. May comes and we do our next round to do a good cleanse before summer hits and all rules are broken. Our final round starts the Tuesday following Labor Day, and like January, we go as long as possible often making it to our anniversary mid-October.
Here is why I’ve personally loved Whole30…. Even when I’m not rigidly following the program, I’ve learned what really fuels and what really hurts my body. Turns out, both gluten and dairy really inflame my back, and with 2 herniated and 1 bulging disk, I’d rather not have that. Turns out, alcohol really keeps me from sleeping well. If I drink a margarita or even one glass of wine, you can almost be certain that I’ll see 3am on my clock. Take it out, along with gluten and dairy, and once my head hits the pillow I sleep like a BABY through the night. Turns out, sugars make me feel like junk. I am a candy girl… always have been. But I’ve learned to replace sweet treats with alternatives that satisfy just as much.
Another perk… It has also made my kids incredible eaters - we don’t really talk about our Whole30s, but we all know kids pick up on everything. So, I obviously let my kids be kids (just look at my snack pantry) but I also try to model what fuels us best. Dinner time at our house is Whole30 pretty much year round… My recipe bible is without question the Defined Dish, and we cook through all her books (#2 and #3, too) over and over again. Throughout the year, most of my dessert ideas come from The Paleo Running Mama and The Ambitious Kitchen. My kids bodies are learning to crave the right ingredients, and they have almost become great eaters. Well, not Dorothy Grace quite yet but we are playing the long game with her. 
Along with finding out what fuels my body best, and playing tennis, one of the other things that has made me feel gooooooood is Dallas Dance Fitness class! During the school year, I try to go once a week to the most fun, energizing, sweat-inducing, living my best backup-dancer-dream-life class. (If you live in Dallas, your first class is FREE and you should come with me!!! If you don’t, I’m so sorry! HA! They have a virtual option that you could try… and dare I say, you should.) At the beginning of 2024 I made a goal to move my body every single day… haven’t done it perfectly, but I sure do try to daily. If not tennis or dance, I found a 4 mile loop that I run/walk and turns out that makes our golden-doodle Reba’s day so much better, too. 
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Side note: A couple of years ago my best friend, Mindy, became a Faster Way coach. She is an incredible mentor, resource and accountability for anyone wanting to try the intermittent fasting and the macro-cycling lifestyle mixed with a good dose of exercise. I’m so proud of her and the way that she has served hundreds of peeps looking to get their health and exercise habits in place. The FTW has awesome workouts that I have LOVED anytime I do them - all virtual - working all parts of the body throughout the days of the week.
So ya… I feel good! Basically, the last few years of my life I’ve felt better in every way by getting my personal diet and exercise habits in a place that brings me joy. They don’t feel like hard discipline, but the good kind of discipline that I look forward to. I don’t feel like I am withholding or that I don’t have freedom - I actually feel the strongest, healthiest version of Karen at 42 and wish I could talk to my 22 year old self to give her freedom (again, another story for another time).
Most nights I go to bed excited for my morning coffee…. And I kid you not, I cannot wait for my daily egg hash breakfast (truly EVERY day - call me a creature of habit, I’m not mad about it). I am eager to move my body every day that I can and cooking dinner nightly has become my kind of therapy after a long day.
Do you feel good? I sure hope so… I was so challenged last week sitting under this teaching about glorifying God with our bodies. (I actually wrote this newsletter about 5 weeks ago, but how timely that I would be able to source this sermon in here since I had scheduled it out a few weeks!). This body of ours has to carry us all throughout our time on this earth - and well, are we actually treating it with the care it needs and enjoying the gift of healthy living? If your answer makes you pause but you are intimidated because you don’t know where to start… Well, here I am encouraging you to try starting somewhere.
Think about what makes you feel good! - actually, think about what makes you feel bad, too… and consider why you haven’t pivoted towards or away from those things. I get it, old habits die hard but new habits could be life-changing.
Get accountability - its WAY more fun to eat and exercise with a friend. BJ and I do our Whole30s together… and I rarely workout solo. This may mean being brave enough to call a friend and ask if they’ll go walking, play a sport or go to dance class ;) with you! Call my girl Mindy - her job is to be that accountability partner and resource to others!
Truly, you can totally call or email me, too - I’m no health coach, but I’m an open book, a great cheerleader, and I have TONS of Whole30 tricks and treats to get anyone going if you'd ever want to do a round with me! I’m not telling you to eliminate all the fun out of your life, but I would encourage you to reflect on if/how you are moving your body, what you are eating and how it actually makes you feel… how are you spending your free time, how much sleep are you getting and do you have a community of friends around you? Stop to simply reflect on those and high-five yourself today if you do… and if not, evaluate where you could start to get one step closer to the healthiest version of you in all the ways.
*I paused in sharing some of this incase it triggers anyone, for any reason. If it does, please know this: I am sorry and this is not my intention. I understand those triggers when body, diet and exercise gets to be part of a conversation. I'm an open book and a listening ear if you need a safe place to admit that struggle. My words and encouragement today are not about looking a certain way, weighing a certain number, fitting into a certain size or comparing yourself to any one other person… my genuine hope today is that you feel encouraged that as long as you are on this earth you’ve got an awesome, creative, unique, and purposeful body - that is PERFECTLY made - so let's serve it, nurture it, and fuel it well!
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next week… To all the places I’ve loved before
Psalm 139.13-14
For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.
in the meantime, a few things I'm loving:

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Rolling Hills
Dallas, TX 75240, USA