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Hello all! 
Two ways to work together this summer:
  1. Midpoint Sessions — $330 CAD
A single, 90-minute session together to map it allll out.
Use this as an opportunity to check in with your business and yourself, brain dump everything you've got going on or coming up, and strategize/prioritize what you want to focus on moving forward. 
We can figure out where your energy is best spent this summer. We can get you ready for fall.
A nice little pivot point to review the landscape of your business.
It includes:
  • A mini intake questionnaire
  • A 90-minute Zoom session
  • Follow up notes & next steps
  • $330 CAD + applicable tax
We'll choose a time in July or early August that works for both of us.
     2. The Summer Reset — $2200 CAD
Two months and four sessions together to reset, re-evaluate, or reshape your business. We can put together a new marketing strategy. We can review your business model (what's in and out of balance here?). We can reshape the aspects of your business you've outgrown and figure out what moving into more leadership looks like, feels like, and practically means for your business.
A guided, held pocket of time to grow toward what matters to you.
It includes:
  • An intake questionnaire
  • 4, 75-minute sessions (typically held bi-weekly, but that's flexible!)
  • Follow up notes & homework between each session to build momentum
  • Email access between sessions for feedback & quick questions (let me review your marketing materials/website!! outside perspective is so valuable!)
  • $2200 CAD + applicable tax
We can start as soon as the second week of July. 
Book an intro call to see if either option is a fit for you.
Why do this work in the summer?
Business development certainly isn't everyone's cup of tea in the summer, but for some, it's the ideal time! It's a slower season work/sales wise and it's when you have the space to do the projects or make the adjustments you know you won't have time for in Q4. 
The HEAT of summer can also do weird things to us (think agitation, an over-abundant harvest). If you or your team tend to shut down in an undesirable way in the summer (you flatten out and have a hard time picking back up in the fall)… OR you tend to have a lot of ideas and want help parsing through them so you don’t overload yourself…. Having steady partnership could help with pacing.
Let's get you grounded, and pointed in the right direction before things speed up this fall.
Thanks everyone.
Hope you're having a beautiful start to summer.
As always, respond/email me with any questions :).
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P.S. If you’re a previous client that wants to do a Midpoint Session and doesn’t need an intro call (you’re still welcome to book one & connect for a quick 10-15 minutes)…you can reply to this, or email me separately, and we’ll book a time.
P.P.S. Refreshing my website/services is MY ‘summer reset’ business development project. If you're new-ish to me and understandably want more info on how I work with folks you can check out this blog series, my FAQs page, client Testimonials, and my current Services page. 

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238 Queen Street E
Toronto, Ontario M5A1S3, Canada