Inspire Family Medicine
Increase your health span with quality sleep

Wondering what a health span is? It's the number of years you remain healthy and free of disease. It's our mission at Inspire Family Medicine to help you increase your health span by giving you tools and resources that will make the biggest impact. This month, we're focusing on resources for BETTER SLEEP.  
How to Get Quality Sleep
Dr Cacho gives a fabulous lecture for menopausal and perimenopausal women experiencing sleep disruptions.  It's about 45 minutes and full of educational content – you'll want to bookmark this!
Office Announcements
Vacation Dates

The office will be closed on Thursday July 4th and open remotely on July 5th.
Katie and I will also be on vacation Wed 7/31 and Fri 8/2. 
Have a safe holiday!
Welcome our College Student Intern
I am delighted to continue our mission of mentoring students by welcoming Faith, a rising junior at Colby College who is interested in Sports Medicine. Please join me in extending a warm welcome to her and wowing her with the field of Family Medicine!  
Welcome Faith!
Spread the Word!
We're taking new patients
This summer, we're on a mission to serve more people – especially those who have been affected by the primary care shortage and are lacking a doctor.  If you or someone you know is looking for a new primary care doctor, give us a call or share this email with them.  We can generally get new patients in within a few weeks!
Call 774-772-5161
Here's to Your Health,
Jenny LaBonte, MD
45 Sterling Street, Suite 22
West Boylston, MA 01583, USA