Dear First name / friend
June has come and gone, and so too has our succession workshop with Jeanette Long at Mayfield and our “Managing Dry Times” workshop co-hosted with the TAS Farm Innovation Hub. It has been great to see so many familiar faces at these events - and some new ones, including representatives from Resilient Farming Tas and the Federal Drought Fund. 
The next workshop East Coast Primary Producers is running is with Sally Martin from Sheep Matrix. The focus will be making the most out of eID tags (electronic ID tags). Our very own Will Fergusson will also be helping to run this event, bringing along some of his own gear to show people how to use it and to answer any questions. Registrations here
This newsletter also holds some information passed about the rebate scheme for eID tags - and you can find out more information by attending the Sheep Matrix workshop. 
The Department of State Growth's hardship grants are still available. The are providing one-off payments of up to $5,000 to eligible farm businesses and is open until 30th June. 
Please get in touch with me if you have anything to share with your fellow producers, or if you require assistance tracking down resources or information. 
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14635 Tasman Highway
Swansea, Tasmania 7190, Australia