Aspire News: December 2023
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 Reflecting on Aspire's Transformative Year
Isn’t it hard to believe that 2023 is almost over? What has changed in your life this year? What have you learned? How have you grown?
Reflecting on changes and growth at Aspire, I think about how proud I am of our students and workforce trainees. We walked alongside them as they made significant changes in their lives. One is Daniela, who completed our highest level of ESL classes, received her long-awaited work permit, and is now a valued member of our professional team. Another is Alonso, who incorporated what he learned about tweaking his resume and interviewing skills to gain the job he desired. And there is Karen, who completed logistics certifications and is thrilled to earn a living wage now.
I am fortunate to work with many amazing people who make these changes possible. Our devoted volunteer teachers are heroes as they encourage adults who are bravely learning—from a new language to challenging math—in a safe and comfortable classroom. We have exceptional partner organizations with whom we join hands to advocate for and create a better life for thousands in need. Our donors share our passion to reduce inequity and create opportunity.
Aspire’s Board of Directors members come from different backgrounds and are deeply committed to making our vision a reality. The professional team is brilliant: they work hard each day to continuously improve themselves and those we serve.
As the sun sets this year, we look forward to all that the next offers.
- Linda K. Johnson, CEO and President

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A Festive End to Aspire's Fall ESL Classes
A recognition ceremony to remember
As the holiday season approaches, we are delighted to share the heartening news of the successful conclusion of Aspire's Fall ESL classes. The journey has been one of growth, perseverance, and community building, and we could not be prouder of our students' accomplishments.
Our students, hailing from diverse backgrounds, have dedicated themselves to mastering the art of written and spoken English through Aspire's comprehensive ESL program. Each class has been a stepping stone in their language learning journey from introductory courses to advanced levels.
To celebrate the conclusion of the fall classes, Aspire organized a recognition ceremony and joyous potluck lunch that brought together students, instructors, and staff members. The event was a feast for the senses with an array of delicious dishes representing different cultures and a celebration of the friendships formed and the strides made in language proficiency.
As our students move on to new class levels, we take pride in their achievements and the sense of community fostered within our ESL program. The potluck lunch was a testament to the diverse tapestry of the Aspire family, with laughter, shared stories, and a warm sense of camaraderie filling the room.
At Aspire, we understand that effective communication goes beyond language proficiency—it's about engaging with the community. Our ESL curriculum focuses on the five core skills of the English language: Reading, Grammar, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. Investing in your language skills opens up new avenues for communication and connection within the community.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated volunteer instructors, who have played a pivotal role in guiding our students on this transformative journey. Their commitment to creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment has been instrumental in the success of our ESL program.
As we look ahead to the future, we are excited about the continued growth of our community and the opportunities for learning and connection. Thank you to our students for being part of the Aspire family.

As the year ends, we are grateful for your unwavering support and dedication to our mission. With your continued support, Aspire strives to permanently impact the state of generational literacy trends in North Texas. But, to achieve this, we need your help. As the year draws to a close, we have launched our End of Year Giving Campaign, and we invite you to join us in making a difference.
Your support is a lifeline for our brave students. As you consider your year-end charitable giving, we hope you'll keep Aspire in mind and make a tax-deductible donation to support our mission. Every dollar you give brings us closer to achieving our vision of an empowered, thriving North Texas community. 
To contribute, please visit our donation page:
 Your generous year-end gift to Aspire will:
· Provide vital resources to support our students in their educational journey.
· Allow us to reach even more individuals needing literacy and workforce programs.
· Create opportunities for families to break the cycle of low-literacy and poverty.
· Ensure that our commitment to empowering individuals continues for years to come.
Aspire has been on a relentless journey to empower individuals, families, and the community through comprehensive, cradle-to-career education and workforce training programs. We are proud to have positively impacted the lives of more than 100,000 students and their families. We have always strived to go beyond expectations, offering caring, compassionate, and empowering instruction for a lifetime of learning.
Thank you for being a part of our Aspire family. Your support is the cornerstone of our success, and together, we can continue to impact the lives of those we serve profoundly.
Thank you,
Paul DiBiase, Chief Development Officer

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Student Spotlight
Hortensia began her journey with Aspire before the merger, attending Aberg Center for Literacy classes. When the pandemic hit, she paused her classes because she preferred to be surrounded by her fellow students and friends instead of taking online courses.
This semester, she re-enrolled and tested into level 3, and we are thrilled to welcome her back and introduce her to you.
Hortensia is from Chihuahua, Mexico, and grew up in Mexico City. She is number seven of eight brothers and sisters, and she came from a family that encouraged her to further her education to have a better future. Let’s learn more about Hortensia!
What did you do for fun as a child?
When I was a child, I played hide and seek and rode my bike.
What was your favorite subject in school? Least favorite?
History was my favorite subject, and I didn’t like Algebra.
What has been your favorite job and why?
I was a salesperson for Panasonic. I liked it because it had a good salary and I traveled a lot.
Do you have children? Tell us about them.
I have 3 daughters. Veronica graduated high school, Marcela is a pre-K teacher, and Ivonne has her bachelor’s degree.
What do you hope to accomplish by taking classes at Aspire? What has the experience been like for you?
I want to improve my pronunciation and writing skills. The people at Aspire make up a great team and always support us to keep learning.

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PO Box 570159
Dallas, TX 75357, United States
Formerly known as LIFT and Aberg Center for Literacy
Copyright © 2024 Aspire • Aspire is a 501(c)(3). Our registration number is 75-1095223