Aspire News: November 2023
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 A Message of Gratitude and Thanksgiving Wishes To All Who Support Aspire
As we gather with our loved ones to celebrate the spirit of gratitude and abundance, we are reminded of the incredible impact your generosity has had on the Aspire community. On behalf of everyone at Aspire, we extend heartfelt thanks for your unwavering support and dedication to our mission.
Your commitment has made a profound difference in the lives of our students striving to build a brighter future. Because of your generosity, we have empowered learners to acquire essential skills, opening doors to new opportunities and pathways to success.
This Thanksgiving, we reflect on the milestones achieved, the lives transformed, and the aspirations realized, all made possible by your belief in the power of education. Your contributions have created a ripple effect, touching not only the lives of our learners but also influencing the communities to which they belong.
As we express our gratitude, we also want to share some exciting updates from Aspire. Your support has enabled us to expand our programs, reach more learners, and enhance the quality of our services. 
We are continually inspired by the resilience and determination of those we serve, and it is through partnerships like yours that we can make a lasting impact.
This season of gratitude is a fitting time to acknowledge your vital role in our journey. Your generosity has become an integral part of the Aspire story, and we are deeply thankful for the positive change you help bring about every day.
We wish you and your loved ones a joyous and fulfilling Thanksgiving. May your hearts be warmed by the knowledge that you are making a lasting difference in the lives of those who “Aspire” to a brighter future.
With sincere thanks,
- The Aspire Team
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SEE Literacy Come to Light
Celebrating with a recognition ceremony
The room was filled with excitement as students, guests, and volunteer instructors gathered for the SEE Program Recognition Ceremony. The occasion marked a significant milestone for a group of dedicated individuals who had completed another level in the Sequential English Education (SEE) program. For these students, each step forward is a testament to their brave determination.
The SEE program at Aspire, designed by the Shelton School of Dallas, is for adults with visual and/or auditory processing differences, providing specific instruction tailored to their unique needs. The program is centered around Sequential English Education, a learning program that takes a structural-linguistic approach to teaching English. The small group classes are led by dedicated and trained Aspire volunteer instructors who understand the importance of patience and individualized instruction.
The ceremony began with a welcome from the Adult Education Director, Ms. Jessica Martinez, who acknowledged the students' and instructors' hard work and commitment. She spoke about the transformative journey the students had undertaken, emphasizing the significance of each milestone in their educational path.
As the spotlight shifted to the students, each one stepped forward to receive a certificate of completion. Some students start the SEE program with hesitation, unsure of what to expect. Now, they stood as living proof of the program's success. Their progress was evident not only in their academic achievements but also in their increased self-assurance.
As the ceremony ended, the students joined together for a group photo, proudly holding their certificates. The journey was far from over, but this moment marked a significant step forward. All of their efforts have not only equipped these students with essential language skills but have instilled in them a belief in their potential. 
The SEE Students Recognition Ceremony was more than just an acknowledgment of completion; it celebrated resilience, growth, and the power of education. 

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"Thanks a Brunch": Celebrating Our Invaluable Volunteers
Our commitment to empowering individuals with diverse learning needs is made possible by the dedication and passion of our incredible volunteers. Recently, we had the pleasure of honoring these outstanding individuals with a special brunch.
Doug Butler, one of our devoted volunteers, explains, "I was driving to work one day, and I heard the former CEO of LIFT talking about how many adults there were in the United States who couldn't read. She said about 30% of adults were functionally at a low literacy level. I was stunned with disbelief, and I made an appointment with her to learn more about the program, and after I did, I knew I had to help." These powerful words encapsulate the spirit that drives our volunteers to make a difference.
Aspire Volunteers are the heart and soul of our SEE (Sequential English Education) program, dedicating an impressive 60 hours to training. Their commitment to enhancing the learning experiences of our students with specific processing differences is nothing short of remarkable. Their enthusiasm, knowledge, and compassion create an environment where students feel supported, understood, and empowered to thrive.
We joined together at la Madeleine for a celebratory brunch with our SEE volunteers and Adult Program staff and we had an incredible time sharing memories about just how far our students have come.
We sincerely thank all Aspire volunteers who dedicate their time and expertise to our cause. Your commitment is the cornerstone of our success, and your impact on our students' lives is immeasurable.
Thank you for being the guiding light that propels us forward to help our students reach their learning goals and improve their lives.
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Celebrating Day of the Dead: Honoring Memories, Embracing Community
The spirit of celebration and cultural richness came alive as we commemorated the cherished Mexican tradition of DĂ­a de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) with our ESL students. It was a heartfelt tribute to the dearly departed, blending learning with the celebration of life.
Our dedicated students embraced this tradition by crafting a vibrant and meaningful ofrenda (altar) adorned with marigolds, candles, and photographs of loved ones who have passed away. The altar became a focal point of remembrance, a testament to our enduring connections with those who have touched our lives.
It didn’t stop there. To enhance speaking skills and boost confidence, our students engaged in oral presentations about remembering someone who touched their lives. Their presentations were more than just words; they were a bridge between cultures and generations. In addition to improving their speaking abilities, they came together as a classroom community filled with support and encouragement.
Witnessing the growth and courage of our students as they shared their narratives was a testament to the transformative power of education and cultural exchange. Moments like these highlight the beauty of learning and community at Aspire.

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With your support, Aspire strives to impact the state of generational literacy trends in North Texas permanently. But, to achieve this, we need your help. As the year draws to a close, we are launching our End of Year Giving Campaign, and we invite you to join us in making a difference.
Your support is a lifeline for our brave students. As you consider your year-end charitable giving, we hope you'll keep Aspire in mind and make a tax-deductible donation to support our mission.
To contribute, please visit our donation page by clicking: 
Every dollar you give brings us closer to achieving our vision of an empowered, thriving North Texas community.
Aspire has been on a relentless journey to help our community for over six decades through comprehensive, cradle-to-career education. We are proud to have positively impacted the lives of more than 100,000 students and their families. We have always strived to go beyond expectations, offering caring, compassionate, and empowering instruction for a lifetime of learning. 
  • Provide vital resources to support our students in their educational journey.
  • Allow us to reach even more individuals in need of literacy and workforce training programs.
  • Create opportunities for families to break the cycle of illiteracy and poverty.
  • Ensure that our commitment to empowering individuals continues for years to come.
Thank you for being a part of our Aspire family. Your support is the cornerstone of our success, and together, we can continue to make a profound impact on the lives of those we serve. 

Are you keeping up with us on social? Follow us on your preferred platform below! 

PO Box 570159
Dallas, TX 75357, United States
Formerly known as LIFT and Aberg Center for Literacy
Copyright © 2024 Aspire • Aspire is a 501(c)(3). Our registration number is 75-1095223