Falling behind is falling ahead.
The Rochester gloom cleared up, the sun is back, I've been outside taking pictures; computer work relegated to night.
Of course, “computer work” for my current projects seemed to pile up out of nowhere, all in the space of a week. I have:
  • A "wedding vlog" to edit
  • A faux commercial/fun remake of a classic ad to edit
  • Two lifestyle/fashion shoots to edit (video + photo)
  • A marketing consulting outline to draft and deliver
  • Both photo books clamoring for my attention, always
I need business cards too—I wanted to find someone to do them locally but I'm taking the L and doing them online.
The irony? The few rainy days coming up this week are going to be a perfect break from it's—too—nice—to—be—inside weather. Computer work time looms.
It's time to grind.
See you on the other side,
North Beach Oceanside Park, Miami Beach
Image item
7850 Byron Ave
Miami Beach, FL 33141, United States