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rewritten monthly focus
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photo by Rylin Noelle Photography
a reflection on the
road to redemption

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photo by Kimberly Neal
After a decade with the desire to have a baby girl in the mix, we finally enjoyed a wild summer with our five month old little diva and handsome boys. It's hard to believe ten years ago this past July, I was faced with a tragic loss and the choice to cling to hope or turn my face away.  I was challenged by a wise mentor that the choice I  made would guide the direction of my growth. Trust me when I say this was the last and most repelling thing I wanted to hear in such a vulnerable time, but was the most potent narrative needed in that very moment. If you are reading and resonating with me, I'm glad I'm not alone. I'm humbled and grateful for this woman's courage to challenge me while I was frail so I could be rebuilt.  In that critical process, I couldn't help but realize we were made for hard things and to be redeemed. What else would sharpen my grit, keep my feet planted on a solid foundation, and most importantly teach me how to choose well despite how it felt?
The mind shift of nothing good comes easy was very real. To be gifted with three beautiful boys did feel amazing but the feeling of redemption came when I held a breathing baby girl in my arms.  Not replacing my first born, but gifting me the experience I had initially lost was redeeming love for me. Truth be told, we all have our tragic moment and story. Moreover, the choice to walk in the hard things. Knowing not everyone will find redemption in a known timeframe or way- it is coming in it's time and it's own form. Hope never disappoints. 
Join me as we wrap up summer and get ready for the fall. I now challenge those of you in that hard and vulnerable space to walk the road of the redeemed. Making room for the old to fall away and paving the way for the new to come and redeem.
See you at the shop or in class!  
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We are so excited to see
you back in the shop this month!
440 N Fourth Ave
Tucson, Arizona 85705, USA